Fight, Flight or Freeze

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I suddenly felt something slim wrap around my stomach.

It felt like a tube or something similar.

"Why dose this feel like the of one of those wired tenitcle Hentai's?"

I struggle and squirm to free myself, but this this is wrap around my stomach TIGHT.

I let out a disgruntled whine, cause lucky me dosnt need air, but can STILL FEEL PAIN.

As soon as the whine leaves my throat i feel the Tenitcle loosen its grip just enough to stop almost crushing me.

Then i suddenly lost the feeling of The grumpy Medics Chassis touching my paws, as i was lifted into the air.

But before i could even (anikin) start panicking, i felt thin arms around me.
Holding me gently and carefully, almost protective.

I started growling at whoever was holding me.

It might be a protective hold, but it's also trapping.

I started to struggle while i growled, noting the petting section my holder was giving me. Maybe to calm me or themselves.

I let out a nother whine signifying my displeasure of the situation, hearing a rough voice as a response.

"Do be careful whit my Sparkling Soundwave, you are her Uncle after all. And we do want her to enjoy her new relatives company." The to me unknown voice stated whit slight amusement, as i let out a nother whine of Protest.

I can only assume the voice was Megatron, mostly because he said 'my Sparkling' and the fact that Uncle 'cron said he would be a sire of mine.

I struggle again still feeling soundwave Petting me, though a lot less calmly.

I quickly did the only thing i could think of when i heard a groundbrige opening. And unfortunately for soundwave that 'thing' was biting the arm holding me.

This causes him to promptly drop me while he was going towards the groundbrige.

I quickly took a running start and took to the air, surprising mostly everybody do to them thinking i would be to heavy.

I quickly take of in the direction i can hear water from, hearing the sound of transformations before hearing multiple engines where heard behind, above and below me.

But as soon as i smelt i was just above the water source i folded my wings, diving in...

Or at least trying as there has suddenly something Metal below me, curved and hovering just above the water making some of it splash up, smacking me in the face just enough.

I hear a sigh of relief from below me though can't focus on it, do to the stinging in my eyes as i blink rapidly.

After a few minutes i open my eyes and can finally see again.


Whit my sight now returned i look down only to see megatron in his alt-mode slowly flying towards shore.

I jump off as soon as hes just above it seeing a vast forest, emidiatly climbing up the nearest tree.

"Get down from there my heir!" Megatron growled whit authority in his voice, gaining only a yawn from me as my tail lazily swings from the branch i lay on.

But as soon as starscream tried picking me of it i jumped, land on his helm.

I release a string of chirps as i lay down on it, suprisegly only getting a sigh from the seeker.

"Would my shoulder pad not be a more comfortable place for a quick Recharge, Princess?" The seeker asked me, a mixture of defeat, relief and a tinge of pride in his Voice.

I just stretch as a response before leeping  from his helm to his shoulders, the tree and finally stopped on top of one of Ultra Magnus Shoulder pads.

The said commander just glanced at her before commanding all the Autobots to return to base whit Optimus agreement.

As the decepticons protested to the autobots taking me whit then, Optimus quickly snatched me up.

I watched from my spot in his arms as he walks over to Megatron, just as the warlord commanded most cons to retried back to the ship.

After about 20minuets most Decepticon were gone, only leaving a few Cybertronian there whit me.

I could see Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave, Megatron and Optimus prime.

I was carefully and gently set down at the edge of the pond i sniffed out earlier.

"Wait here little one and don't go in the water any deeper the up to your joints ok? Megatron and i have some things to discuss." The prime said gently patting my head, before walking over to Megatron who had just ordered his commanders to watch me while he talked whit Optimus.

I slowly make my way deep then the joints, trying to go unnoticed.

Just as i was stomach deep i felt a singular bulky arm fish me back out of the water, way to bulky for both The blue stick and the Dragqueen.

"Your refusal to follow simple commands is illogical" i Heard the Cyclops say as monotone as always.

I hiss out as the stone of my paws starts gathering larger cracks, macking a sickning Sound.

Almost in an instant i can see everybody's Optics on me as i huff.

"WaTEr!" I screech tring to get back into the clear liquid as it shimmers under the moon.

Suddenly i feel thin arms replacing the bulky one as im being carefully being held in the water, head still poking out as the one holding me starts scrubbing at the stone.

But as i turn my head to the con washing me im meet whit a dark screen, using my tail to splash at him while he sat down before continuing to wash me while im sat on one of his thigh's.

Purring at the sensation of his thin twig like Digits move to get me clean.

"Soundwave your action is logical, though i am unsure if its wise putting something make of rock and dirt in the water, seeing that it already started to break last time." The Pit slagged frager said making the slenderman ripoff stop.

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