Crystal clear

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"Greetings Fate"

"Been a while, Alpha Trion."

(Fate's PoV)

I snap back to reality with a slight frown, now having labelled the Vision to be a memory.

Its was not one of the pleasant once either, concidering the high heeled seeker appeared in it, which was never a good sign for me.

I stared down at the scenery which had now changed to a lush green jungle, smelling of fresh dirt and rain.

I remembered the many times i had encountered the seeker that look so much like my current Techno Organic friend, he was a very smooth talking mech the first few meetings when i had tryed simply ignoring him, though his ego flared up every time.

I allways saw this weird pulsing coming from him, it was practically radiating of the seeker with malicious intentions, even if they weren't turn twords me.

I had trouble creating distance between him and myself as he would prowl around Iacon during the brighter part of the cycle while leaving the darker hours to rest with a deep frown.

I remembered sticking to the shadows to avoid him on my trips to the city until i had started exclusively come during the late evenings when the seeker would join most others in Resting, making it a common situation for me receive a scolding from Alpha Trion whenever i came to visit him and his pupil Orion Pax.

The soon to be prime was quite curious from a young age, either hiding his helm behind one of the many datapad's or asking me about different thing after much hesitation.

I blink as i suddenly see the familiar desert came into view right below me to signal i would arrive at base shortly, as i hear the sound of a sports car from below me.

I look down only to see a certain explosion loving wrecker rev his engine louder shortly before transforming, which caused me to circle around him in large hoops to land just out of reach of his deadly katanas incase he chose to attack.

"Easy there beasty, just trying to bring you back to base, bossbot has been very clear the we should bring you back to base when we find you. Never expected you to fly right over my helm" Weeljack chuckled as he spoke, taking slow small and very much cautious steps twords me, as i walked back at the same paste.


"Aw, somebots being a real sunshine right now" The wrecker coed at me before lunging at me, trapping my smaller frame under his chassis as he shifted his frame to restrain both my tail, wings and danger jaws as i struggled against the restraining.

Next thing i know a groundbridge appeared in front of us as the clumsy wrecker I've come to know as bulkhead stepped  out of the swirling portal, hesitantly making his way twords wheeljack as The Autobot with insanely large shoulder pads stepped out of the Groundbridge right after, holding heavily reinforced chains.

I growl as best as i can with the White wrecker holding my jaws shut, as i glare at the chain's.

"Im not sure this is a good idea, she looks a bit... Mad" Bulkhead said with an uneasy tone, clearly uncomfortable with Whatever the other two had planned.

All i am able to do is watch as the commander placed the chains on me to the point where i could not move, Bulkhead picked me up with an apologizing gaze as he quietly apologies to me for the ruth treatment.

All he gets is return is a audible huff of annoyance as the Groundbridge reopens infront of, Revealing the base once i am carried through.

I let out a loud grows as starstreak stood with  the medic as she giggled at my predicament, only for me to quickly teleport out of the chains with a huff of pride as i puff out my plating a little.

I could feel all optics and eyes on me as i climbed up to the ceiling for a short nap, seeing as i had burnt energy as allways when using my abilities too much whiteout proper rest.

I dug my two clawed back pedes into the rock ceiling as i hung upside down from it, my fron claws tucked close to my chassis as my wings wrapped around my small Frame.

I offline my optics as everybot quickly went off to there own business, leaving me to recharge in peace.


(Nobody's PoV, On Cyberton)

"Hey Splitspark?" A young Orion Pax asked as they walked the road twords the gates , planning to leave the city for a bit.

"Yes?" The Winged Femme responded curtly, tone soft even trough her glitchy and crackling voicebox.

"If you don't mind me asking, and you can ofcourse allways refuse to awnser! But... Where do you live? I never see you go home, only ever disappear into a random alley" The young soon to be prime managed to stutter out, frantically hoping his question didn't offend his more silent mentor.

"Calm, you have stated nothing false, one should never be ashamed to question the world around themselves." The black armoured femme spoke in a monotone fashion, giving the slightly taller mechling a reassuring smile.

She spoke up shortly after, allready seeing the city gates coming into view "As for my place of residence, i live outside the city, much further then most dare to travel." She spoke vaguely, however the awnser seemed to be more then clear enough for the young archivists curiousity.

"Halt" they heard one of the guards order as they arrived at the gate.

Splitspark easily got through without being checked do to her more frequent visits lately, however Orion seemed to be stuck with the guards.

The Darker femme made a sound similar to a cough to get both guards attention as they turned only to be meet by a dark glare that made there sparks drop.

"The young mech is with me!" Thouse were the only words she rasped out as stared down both of the much taller guards, both there frames shaking as they stuttered out a quick "Yes ma'am" "Our apologies ma'am"  as they let Orion exit the city without furter delay.

The two of them walked over the open meadows, only stopping when the short femme bent down to pick something of the ground, placing it into Orion's servo once she stood again, revealing a small and fragile yet beautiful flower made of clear crystal.

"Remember to allways respect and protect all life Orion, as every life is as beautiful, precious and delicate as this flower. Something that should be treasured and treaded with respect, no matter its size or strength"

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