Fun and Games

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(Still Fate's PoV)

I quickly wiggle my way out, from under the new wrecker.

He tried stoping, and grabing me but i was a bit to quick.

Weeljack stood up and tried tackeling me again, chuckeling like a maniac.

I took my chances and hid behind miko, who was just slightly taller than me.

Weeljack tryed grabbing me again but i sprinted and slid under Mikos bed.

Weeljack just groned in frustration at losing his possibliy new charge already.

He attempted to get underneath the bed to grab and drag me out.

But bulkhead had to pull him back out a few seconds later, because Weeljack got stuck because he was much bigger.

I quickly changed spots and climbed ontop of mikos closet, Watching the wrecker Search ever possible spot on the ground.

Meanwhile miko had secretly shown bulkhead my spot, whit me waving at the two.

Both Bulk and miko were now laying on the bed laughing, while 'jacky' was quickly getting feed up, by my little game, of hide and seek.

I dicided to make it a tiny bit easier and giggle just loud enough for him to hear.

Weeljacks head snapped up whit me feeling his glare as he finally spotted me above.

"Get down!" He hissed trough gridded teeth while trying to get a hold of me.

I just shook my head befor jumping over his and out the nearest window, running down the street knowing he would be faster in his alt.

Suddenly i heard the loud roaring of an engin, i stopped running and turned around.

There Weeljack speeding right for me , but just befor the impackt he opened the passenger door and sweved making me fly into the passenger seat.

He used the seatbelt to hold me down the second i touched the seat, befor slamming and locking the door shut.

He then slowly drove back to mikos house befor stopping in the driveway and activating his holoform.

Bulkhead came around the driverdoor and weeljack rolled down the window.

"So did ya finally get that out of ya processor jacky?" Bulk chuckeled at his friend.

Weeljack silently glared at him befor getting out and opening the passenger door where im still tied up.

He looks at me expectedly befor letting the seatbelt slide back, he swung me over his shoulder befor closing his door and caring me back to mikos room.

Miko and bulk walk in to see weeljack searching for my pajamas in the bag I brought until he finally found it.

He picked me up again, and carries me into the bathroom whit the pajamas befor locking the door.

I stay quiet watching as he changes me into my pajamas, befor brushing my teeth, and dragging me out of the bathroom and pushing me down on the mattress, and laying down behind me.

"We should sleep" weeljack said kinda bitterly.

Miko, bulk and I all nodded in silent agreement as miko goes to get changed befor getting under the blankets on her bed, whit bulkhead on top of them.

Meanwhile weeljack was holding me protectively on the guest mattress. Weeljack tries his best to stay awake, but fell asleep eventually leaving me as the last person awake.

I carefully snaked myself out of jackys grip and put a big pillow there instead.

I quietly walked over to the front door glitching like a broken hologram, befor reappearing in the form of a small fox.

'I should check if the cons are gone yet'

I Teleport just outside the front door and start walking around the block, quickly noticing two very familiar form in the distance holding what seems to be a tracker.

'Better go get a closer look'

I slowly make my way closer suddenly hearing the tracker beep louder whit every step closer that i take.

Then it finally hit me. They've been unknowingly tracking my energy signal.

I quickly make a run for it trough an ally where i take a random sewer hole to get underground.

I luckly know the sewer system of Jasper Nevada quiet well.

I sprint trough the sewers before finally getting to a cracked stone wall, marked whit a pair of scratches looking to be allmost made by a human hand from there shape and height, thoug far to deep.

I pressed my body against the wall, moving it slightly, just enough to get trough in my fox form.

Once inside I push the wall back inplace just as i hear metal footsteps running troug the sewers, coming closer.

Once the wall was back in place i sat down to catch my breath. Then there were muffled voices Heard.

"Are you sure its right here? All i see is a wall!" A grufer voice called out.

"Offcours my dear Breakdown, the Energon signal is coming from just behind the wall!" A more... Flirty voice replys.

Suddenly I hear a banging on the walls, seeing the wall start to crumble.

I quickly make a portal jumping trough it while transforming back into my human form.

I creep back into mikos bedroom befor closing the door and switch position whit the pillow i snuck into weeljacks arms.

He stears slightly but luckely dosnt notice or wake up.

I chuckled quietly knowing i won this round of cat and mouse.

I feel weeljack uncauntiously pull me closer, getting warmer by the minute.

I burry my face into chest, befor falling into the deep, dark and comforting grasp of sleep.

Knowing fully well that this wasnt the last i would see or hear of the decepticons duo.

But for now just glad that my friends, old and new are here. Safe and sound.

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