First trip to the Nemisis

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(Fate's PoV)

I woke up and opened my eyes to stare at the Galaxy print ceiling of my bedroom.

It allways did my remind me of where i been many times before.

I stretched and took my phone from my nightstand, scrolling through the Kontakts saved.

I Finally Found my guardians Comm-link and called him, after 1 ring he picked up.

"Yes Kathrin? Do you need me to come get you? Open a groundbrige? ARE YOU HURT?! I CAN-" Ratchet started quickly getting cut of by me calling his name.

"RATCHET! Im fine. I just wanted to let you know i wont come to base for a few days. Im gotta go on a small trip and dont need any of you worrying.

The other kids allready know."

I Heard Ratched huff from the other end befor saying goodbye and hanging up.

I chuckled at his overreacting and quickly got changed.

Opting for a trip through the dessert surrounding Jasper.

(???'s PoV)

;:Target: Located:;

;:Objective: Retrieve Young Princess at all costs:;

;:Current Position: Dessert, Jasper Nevada:;

;: Retrieval protocol activated. Closing distance:;


;: Objective: Complete. Returning to Nemisis:;

(Fate's PoV) (On the Nemisis)

I slowly stirred awake. 

The last thing i could remember was the Felling of several Volt's of electricity coursing through me, befor everthing went black.

I quietly moved my only my eyes to look around the larg room.

I found herself lying on a larg metal Table of sorts whit a larg clean rag was wrapped around me.

I then remembered that dream she had about being Kidnapped by the Decepticons.

Specifically the room i first woke in.


I silently cursed as two very Familiar figures walked in.

Knockout and Breakdown?

What in the holy Creator are they talking about.

"Do you think the little Princess enjoyed her gifts? Oh do hope so! She will do great one day following in her sire's footsteps and ruling the decepticons." Knockout Rambled whit the wrecker behind him just chuckeling.

They moved closer to me. I let my body fall limp, as i felt something poke me, something big but pointy.

I crack open my left, blue, glowing eye, only to stare right into a crimson one.

The crimson eye or rather said optic Grew brighter as our gazes meet.

"Good morning Princess~" Knockout sang out as he pulled away. Making me flinch slightly.

I Lay there, unmoving and stiff as a wooden bord.

Knockout looks at me whit a confused expression like i didnt just pull a possem and play dead.

Him and what is totally his Boyfriend share a confused glance.

"Are you ... Allright kiddo?"
Fragging 'Mister Hammertime' over here asks.

I dont move a muscle, not even daring to breath, blink or let my heart beat.

Effectively having a full body shutdown, while my eyes darted around frantically trying to figure out what the Pits was going on here.

(3 PoV)

As the young ginger was taking the phrase playing dead on a whole new level, there was still the mechs watching from the side.

Both Mechs where starting to panik considering that there 'Princess' just stopped moving and had a so called 'Heart attack' in Knockouts medical opinion.

So there where now frantically running around the Medbay and comming Shockwave, not knowing what to do to help.

Fate on the other hand was just confused by the situation, and admittedly slightly amused.

After 10 minuets Shockwave finally got there and looked at her, befor notice that her eyes where following the other two Mechs running around frantically.

Taking this as a sign of consciousness he found it 'Logical to engage'. Which was his wired way of saying 'Im gonna talk to it'.

"Your silent observing is illogical" He stated as plainly as ever.

Fate quickly turned her head to face the scientist, squinting her eye at him since the right one was still covered by her hair.

"Its funny though, plus its not like i can do much other than TRY to run anyways." She huffed not liking the scientist after seeing what he might do to her, even if the effects weren't deadly or harmful to her.

Shockwave just looked at her before attempting to pick her up.

Fate scooted away a bit whitout making much actual movements.

"It would be logical for you to hold still, so i may pick you up. I need to do a checkup as Knockout is clearly... Busy, at the moment." He said befor trying again, only to be meet whit the same results.

It was then that the Wrecker and medic stopped running and noticed to exchange, showing relive on there faceplates that She seem to be ok.

Knockout quickly grabbed his scanner and tryed to scan Fate befor she could noticed.

Sadly she was faster, as she quickly caused the Devise to malfunction, whitout breaking it.

They all turned there attention to the malfunctioning Scanner as Fate snuck her way of the berth.

She managed to get out the room, though not unnoticed as she quickly ducked into a nearby vent.

It was obvious that they would need some Assistance if they had any hope of getting the young organic out of there, let alone figure out where she even ran to.

Fate just snickered to herself as she continued sprinting trough the vent befor slowing, to a casual strole.


Fate was sitting against a wall, in the middel of a long strait vent as she was  taking a quick nap that started half an hour ago.

That was until she was awoken by a soft buzzing sound like that from a drone from the one side of the vent, making her look to the side only to go pale imidiatly and sprinting in the other deraction running from The small bird like drone giving chase.

she moved as quickly as she could unable to see do to the tears stinging her glowing eyes, making everthing blurry.

Soon though she started falling rushing past a pair of rotating fanblades, the wind of slowing her down slightly befor pushing down hard on her back, after she barly past them whitout touching.

Then she felt her self fall trough something quite familiar to her.


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