Night 1

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Something the good doctor forgot was that that night the Kids we're having a sleepover at base, still not believing that its possible for Fate to have perished.

They knew they friend was strong, the allways did call her 'Kathrin Bonecrucher' after she spotted Vince billing Raf, which ended in her gripping the arm whit enough force to shatter the bone. He had to wear a cast for 3 weeks and has avoided her since.

They allways laugh about that story, using it as a threat when Vince try's to Bully then at school.

But now everything was still.

The only noise's came from the grumpy Medics typing as well as that of the kids, accompanying the sound of cracking stone that seemed to haunt the base that night.

The kids were attempting to contact there friend again, but they seemed to fail every time, no response coming from the group chat they had made whit the ginger girl a while back.

The Statue still lurking around, looking for something as it listened for anything that wasn't the sound of breathing or tipping, until there was finaly a Replay showing up on the kids screens, followed by a unmistakable sound.


Ratched finally remembered that the kids where there, and that they just did one of the most dangerous things possible in that situation.

Making Noise

The kids don't notice as Ratchet swiftly picks up the stone onument, as it was about to go after the noise.

The kids had bigger problems than the Medic behind them though as they saw the Message that had just popped up.

'I M   B E H I N D   Y O U!'

The three humans slowly turn around only to witness Ratchet struggling to hold the small stone beast, as it carefully clawed at his arm which was holding it, leaving many long scratches that luckely weren't that deep.

The eyes of the kids widened only for them to quickly as possible to sprint down the hall, just as the Statue got managed to struggle free from the medics tight grip.

They look at there phones as they got a nother text, reading it as they ran.

'W h y  a r e  y o u  R u n n  i n g ?  D o n t  y o u  R E M E M B E R  M e ? !'

They all ducked into an storage room littered whit huge Cybertronian sized crates, choosing to press against on side of it to hide from there hunter.

Everything went silent as Ratchet snuck around the Base trying to find not just the kids, but the strange Dragon Statue aswell.

The kids were quick to turn of there phones notifications as soon as they hid, not wanting whatever is chasing them to use it against them.

All the the Kids we're trying to figure out why the creature seems to use THERE FRIENDS number to communicate with them.

They kept checking there phones for any useful information or new messages as they hid, finally getting a bunch of them after a long while.

The Chat


Raf: Where all hiding in a storage room together, i dont know where thoug.

Ratchet: Your hiding Whit the Statue?

ErRoR: N o ,  i m  N o t  t h e r e.


Jack: i would like to know too

Ratchet: You better get out here Statue! BEFOR I COME FIND YOU.

ErRoR: I m  l o s t, a n d  W h a t  t i m e  i s  i t

Jack: 1:27am? And why do you seem afully calm, considering you just tryed to Murder us.

Ratchet: It WAS harmless enough whit me. And i swear this is the last time your sleeping at base.

Miko: Not Cool doc😒

ErRoR: Y E A !  N o t  c o o l  d o c.

ErRoR: I  d o n t  s e e  w h y  t h e y  s h o u l d  s t o p.  W e  a r e  j u s t  p l a i n g🙃

Miko: YEA 😝

Raf: Did the stone dragon just defend us?🤨

Jack: i think so🤔

Miko: Hey dragon why the upside down smily?

ErRoR: L o o k  U P🙃🤫

Jack: Hey Ratchet we found the dragon

Raf: Rather it found us

ErRoR: 🙃

Miko: We're gonna loudly leave the room now.

ErRoR: Y o u  m a k e  e v e n  a  s q u i c k  a n d i W I L L  F o l l o w.

Jack: where kinda counting on it.

Raf: Btw do you have a name?

Ratchet: Stop asking it questions and get out here first. I dont have time to babysit you... Four...

ErRoR: Y o u  g o o d  d o c ?  Y o u  s e e m P e t r i f i e d 😜


Rachet: 😑

Back in the real world

The Kids slowly make there way back talking loudly as they did so.

Right above them was the Statue crawling upside upsidedown on the ceiling, following the noise whitout attacking.

Ratchet was allready back in the Mainroom as the kids arived, Ratchet being suprisegly quick in picking the dragon of the wall befor it get get to the ceiling again.

He carefully set the Statue back next to hime on the desk, which quickly flees to the ground next to the human area.

The Kids seem startled but diced it time for some questions, even if the statue can only shake or nod its head.

The only question that caught them of guard was when they asked for a name only to get it as a nother message in a private chat to Raf.

'Y o u  u s e d  t o  C a l l   m e   K a t h r i n!'

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