A planned forgetting?

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"Remember to allways respect and protect all life Orion, as every life is as beautiful, precious and delicate as this flower. Something that should be treasured and treaded with respect, no matter its size or strength"

(Narrator PoV)

Optimus Prime in his berth room, a small Flower of seemingly crystal laying on his palm.
He stared at it longingly as he thought back to his mentors.

He remembered bits and pieces of the second mentor, manly remembering his time with Alpha Trion, whom he'd considered a sire.
Though there was allways the questions surrounding the second.

He remembered his second mentor to be quite young, visibly at least. He remembered walking around with her in the darker hours of Cybertron, apperantly not having been a fan of the light.

He remembered her having dark multi-colored Armour, though the colors and possibly patterns where lost on him. He had tryed to keep a picture of them together on the fields just outside Iacon, though her figure in it was for some reason far to blurry for them standing still.

He remembered last seeing her just a cycle before getting made a Prime and loosing most of his memory, though the only thing she had told him was that she was proud of what he became, even if it had made no sense at the moment. His simple guess whenever he looked back at that moment was that she knew what would happen to him long before, as a lot of his current ideals, morals and advice where merely repeats of things she had told him centuries before he became a prime.

He smiled lightly at the thought, the thought of her seemingly allways around, even if he did not know how or where. He expected no less, his prior mentor allways being on the more secretive side.

He hoped that she was with loved once however, even if he may never know what it may have been to her.

He promised himself to honour her lesson and pass them on along with her tales, if not for her, then at least for his own and everybot elses sake.

(In the meantime, Main room)

Raf stood on the Human area, starring up at the small Predacon hanging from the ceiling while curled in on itself, every now and again sparring his Guardian a glanc.

"Hey bee?" The youngest started, gaze still set on the sleeping Beast Prime as talked in a quiet voice.

":.Yea Raf?.:" His guardian responded just as quiet.

"Do you think they are dreaming?" Raf asked.

":.I don't know about her, allmost everybot here can dream, but i don't think any of us know if the primes actually dream.:" The black and yellow scout answers truthfully.

"She's a prime?" The young boy asked innocently, peaking both of the other kids attention.

":.One of the lesser know once sadly, i only know about her from Optimus telling me about ALL the primes. And its even rare to find one of those!.:" Bumblebee explained, unaware that The sudden Storytime had awaked the asked about prime.

"But weren't the Primes super important and basically famous on Cyberton? How come there aren't that many storys about her" Raf asked, bulkhead chiming in to explain.

"Well kid, most Cybertronians never believed her to even be real, but the wreckers did allways chose her as one of them." The green wrecker stated proudly.

"SHE'S A WRECKER TOO?! I DIDN'T KNOW PRIMES COULD BE WRECKERS! THIS IS SO AWESOME" The colorful Japanese girl yelled if excitement.

"Keep it down would you? And She wasn't a wrecker at all, if anything she was a medical Prime. Healing the sick and repairing the injured!" Ratchet Criticized the wrecker for his assumption, only having known her from medical studies back on Cybertron.

"Your all wrong, she was warrior Prime, never backing down from a battle nor leaving any enemies undefeated." Arcee chimed in with the small amount of information she knew about the Prime.

":. Actually Splitspark Prime was a scout like me and smokey, traveling the land while mapping out the planet.:" Bee said with smokescreens direct agreement.

The bots were to busy bickering about what they believed the Frost Prime represented to notice Raf slowly sneaking off, closer to where the fought about Prime was hanging.

He was slightly out of breath when he was close enough , seeing as he had needed to climb several flights of stairs to get high enough to even attempt getting her attention.

"U-uh, Miss Splitspark Prime?" Raf asked quietly, not expecting her to hear him.

Her head snapped twords his as her optics opened fully with what could only be interpreted as a yawn, while she stretched her  wings lightly.

"I-i um... I have a question if you don't mind" The young boy continued nervously.

The Frosted Prime merely tilted her helm with a questioning gurgle.

"So i was asking bee about you and then the others started adding stuff and now they can't decide what you were a symbol for" Raf asked with a slight bit more confidence seeing as the smaller Prime seemed willing to listen.

Said prime gave a slight nod before grabbing Raf by the back of his shirt and carrying out into a quiet part of the hallway, before setting him down carefully and transforming to her bipedal form. Much to the young boys amazement.

"I am all and none" she spoke in her static voice softly.

"what do you mean?" Raf asked as she picked him up and let him sit on her servo as she walked.

"As the last created prime of the original 14 i was often forgotten seeing as i was created shortly after Unicron's defeat by my fellow primes. This however caused me to have much more time to spend between all Fields, Going from scouting to medicine, over the worriers all the way to the wreckers. Sadly each area in there society only saw me as there personal prime instead the shifter i was." The Black armoured femme answers his question without any foul intend.

"Then why did i never hear about you until now?" Asked Raf eagerly, happy about her willingness to explain.

The prime gave of a light sparked chuckle of amusement before awnsering. "I had chosen a life in solitude as the citys started to grow,i did however spent that time recording history from all over cybertron. As well as helping a friend of mine named Alpha Trion in mentoring his pupil, seeing as the old bot was quite busy in the archives. Tending to keep my title hidden from most who were not primes"

"Oh, Thanks you for explaining this to me" Raf thanked politely as she transformed with him landing on her helm as she walked back into main room, letting the boy off at the railing, much to the other kids astonishment.

Before anyone else could notice however she jumped back up to her spot, this time laying on top of it as huffed at the on going fight.

Afterall, sometimes its best to leave certain things to be forget.

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