Lost in blue

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"Why not just teleport away?"

(Fate's PoV)

I stood there reconsidering my live choices right after hearing that sentence, frozen in place by my own ignorance.

"I... Well Scrap. I bit that Cyclops and Clone for nothing!" I exclaimed with a light chuckle, my face growing warm in embarrassment.

A saw all three of them faceplate-servo in sync before Primus choose to speak up in a scolding manner.

"How many more times must i explain to you that you can not go around biting others, it quite a unpleasant and unhealthy habit of yours dear fate!" He scolded making me role my optics.

"He asked for it! Honestly its his fault for sticking his servo into my faceplate while giving me sparkling talk! Im not 1 Eon old anymore you know." I stated with a huff of annoyance.

Primus simply shook his head in disappointment, planning to say something else as i quickly vanished from the realm with a quick "See ya!".

Waking up with the larger beast clone curled around me and staying on guard of the rest of the flightdeck, one win
I quickly yet silent make my move and glitch to where im crouching just behind the larger Predwacon, Hurrying to camouflage my scales to seem invisible before scampering to the side of the flight deck and hopping down.

As i sail i see a vast blue ocean below me, Dolphins and Whales jumping out of the water below me as i fly freely in the wind.

I check both my internal clock and homing funktion and start heading back in the direction of the base, noting that it will be a while until i reach Jasper at my current speed.

Seeing as i had time to spare i decided to clear out my Prossesor a bit more, wanting to get rid of the static before it got worse.


I Open my optics to find myself on a hill just outside of Iacon, looking down at the city as it was lit up by flames, rapidly spreading with constant screams.

Grounders kept driving out of every possible Gate , while seekers took to the skys only to be shot down by others seekers.

It was War.

War accompanied by carnage and destruction, lead by terror, fear and rage.

Nobot was safe, i watched so many distant figures fall to the ground, they're glow dieing out, signaling to me that there spark was now gonne, lost to the allspark and tides of War.

I saw escape pods shot off in to the sky only to be shot back down by there enemies, they had no hope of escape during the active battle which resembled more of a slaughter.

It was odd.

I felt at peace yet out of place, like i should be doing something other then stand on my small hill overlooking it all.

I began to think

'Is this real?'
'Is this all real?'
'is this a memory? Or a prophesy?'

I dat down, pedes hanging over the steepest side of the hill, still watching the blazing city with cold and unfeeling optics.

'I wonder were i should go now, or what even to do!'

"So we meet again, My Dear lovely Splitspark~. Finally decided to join the winning side or are you still playing your little games with thouse Autobots" A high voice mocked from behind me as i heard a set of pedes hit land on the ground.

"I had told you my awnser before, Starscream. i am no Decepticon OR Autobot, neither am i your concubine or even friend!" I huffed out, earning a low growl from the silver seeker, practically feeling his scowl and the optics burning into the back of my helm.

"I Do belive you mean not yet, my dear spark. After all nothing is public quite yet, if anything i was hoping to make official only after our first sparking Lovely" The cocky seeker purred into my Audio Receptor as i feel sit behind me, his chassis digging into backplates as he land Forward more, using his arms to push me back to lean into him as he kept purring into my Audio.

"Doesn't that sound nice, our own little family? Me whit you as my bride with our many sparklin-" i cut him off with a Elbow to the chassis, Freeing myself from his grasp before turning around to face him as he stood aswell, towering over my short frame.

"Now you listen here you overrated, wannebe king of a seeker! I am not not your sparkmate, we will not have sparklings or any sorts of family AND I'D RATHER DRINK ENERGON WITH UNICRON HIMSELF THEN KEEP LETTING YOU ACT LIKE YA ARE EVEN REMOTELY MY FRIEND!" I Roard at him, as his faceflate changed into one of enraged shook, gasping for air like fish while his wings raised Dangerously.

I took this chance to let myself fall backwards of the hill, hearing a startled noise escape the seeker as i dropped before quickly changing back to my preddy form and camouflaging and flying away unseen.

As i turn helm back i see him looking desperately looking over the hills edge and trying to spot on the floor as a turn my helm back upfront.

I kept flying until i was too close to my icy tundra to do so, continuing on clawed paws.

The snow danced around calmer then most cycles, most likely do to the lack of intruders that the war has caused, leavings me to walk through the silent fields of the tundra, and the frozen blue crystals and glaciers that surround me.

Hours later I arrived to the icy gates of my caves, opening the door the step inside as they closed behind me.

In the chamber i was meet by the familiar sight of an old bot writing on a datapad with a familiar Galaxy print feather.

"Greetings Fate"

"Been a while, Alpha Trion."

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