The Good, The bad and the Inbetween

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As Fate looked around she quickly recognized where she was, from many trips before.

She had hopes to see her Uncles again, to discuss the recent changes and future plans.

Though she was surprised when she saw them hunched over a datapad, the writing being in Ancient Cybertronian, as they didn't even notice that she was there.

Keeping quiet and sticking to hovering, instead of her usual, audible flapping wings, peeking over there shoulder pads, to see what had captured there attention.

Though she was slightly confused by the contents of the datapad, it held a lot of the old legends and a few predictions, most likely written by one of the other primes.

She knew them, she was already around when they were created, still hidden though. After a while Primus introduced her as a new creation of his, even if it was not the truth.

Ofcourse under a different name, in a different form.

Back then she remembered being called 'Splitspark Prime, the Prime of Frost' as silly as it sounds, Primus asking her to only pick one ability that he could write of as her Gift.

She chose Cyro/Hydro Kenisses.

Cybertronians are much more Vonurable to Cold temperatures then humans, thus giving her good options to defend herself.

Though she was hidden though the Fight against Unicron and stayed in isolation in the realm of the primes after.

She's seen ot it all.

She knew the other primes were still searching for any sign of her, still not knowing what she truly was.

"Any new ones i should know about? Or is it still the same old tales" She asked the two gods before her.

"FATE!" Primus called out as he once again almost had a Spark failure.

"It seems that you have some visiting to do, young Fate" Unicron stated rather annoyed, Making Fate wonder who she might need to visit.

Fate blinked tilting her head in confusion.

"Who would there be to visit? I was at the Autobots base the whole time and allready made the Cyclops break his own lab on the warship! Who else is around." Fate exclaimed frustrated by there sudden criptic behaviour.

"Fate dear, please calm yourself" Primus cooed from beside his brother.

"And what if I don't!" She snapped, though the gods knew not to take it personal.

"Fate" Unicron snapped back at Her darkly, making her back off.

"I know it has been a while since you last meet them, but please understand that they still see you as a nother of my primes, which you always will be in one way or a nother." Primus spoke softly, not wanting to upset her.

"I sence a 'but' coming'' she mumbled quietly, making Unicron chuckle as primus shook his head lightly.

"But they see you as family and considering you are the youngest among according to the knowledge they posses , you will need to show yourself to them, they miss you dearly and always ask about your presence whit in the realm of the primes" He stated silently, attempting to ease her into it.

Just then Fate started laughing Hestericaly as the Cybertronian gods just stared at her.

"Why in the name, of the Allspark, ARE THEY STILL SEARCHING" She panicked not thinking that she would be in this dilemma, unsure of the last time she spoke to the other primes.

"As much as i hate saying this, They are just as much your family as us or your new sire's are, Fate" Unicron Stated Firmly, yet not trying to hide his dislike for his brothers creations.

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