She's different than the rest -Nayeon

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We just received the news we have been waiting and waiting for. We would be going on tour. I was elated, over the moon excited. We would be going across Asia and to some locations in the states. We were all so excited. Some of us screamed, jumping up and down but some people (Jeongyeon in particular) were quiet; still showing excitement but in their own, quieter ways. I looked over at Yoojung and she gave me a small smile before our managers calmed us all down. We were all acting like little children apparently.

When we left our meeting, me and Jeong walked together, talking about how excited we were. We were also told that we could choose someone to perform a cover with. I, naturally wanted to choose Jeongyeon but before her name could spill out of my mouth, mine came out of hers. I was shocked, even a bit taken aback but I was pleased none the less. This was going to be fun.

Brainstorming ideas for what we were going to sing was a difficult process and took us nearly a week. Luckily we had plenty of time to decide. We eventually ended up on My Ear's Candy by Baek Ji young.


The day after our meeting, me and Jeong went out to lunch and throughout, I kept catching her staring at me differently. Maybe she did fancy me, just a tiny bit. No, that's foolish she never could. She's as straight as a plank of wood. I'm not sure why i still liked her knowing this. But maybe? It's this slight glimmer of hope that kept me going. Wether or not she liked me back in that way we were still best friends. Unless she told me, I wouldn't tell her.

We went for a walk in the park and my heart fluttered when she reached out to hold my hand. I smiled the biggest smile I've ever smiled and my cheeks burned, probably turning a rosy pink. I then made us skip down the stone path and Yoojung giggled. This had to be the best day of my life. It couldn't get any better than this right?

Jeongyeon and I... we were different. Once's liked to make silly ships between us -especially involving sana the little romantic she is- but this one, 2yeon I believe it's called, feels real. Feels like no other ship with the others. I mean I loved each of the members equally and in their own unique ways but Jeongyeon I loved in a different way... I guess she's just different from the rest.

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