Can we skate away to nowhere -Jeongyeon

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Rehearsals weren't until that afternoon so we all got to go out in the morning. Everyone began to wake up around 8am and Nayeon made pancakes for everyone. I put out all of the toppings on the table including sugar, lemon juice, Nutella, marshmallows, chopped banana and berries. Nabong made 18 pancakes: enough for 2 each. If I had to make that many pancakes I would've gotten bored and given up so I didn't know how she made that many. We all sat around the table and I sat in between Chaeyoung and Nayeon of course.

After breakfast, we got ready and went on a walk along the river and took some pictures. We passed a roller skating rink and everyone wanted to go roller skating so we did. None of us were very good apart from Jihyo who seemed to master it straight almost straight away. From the corner of my eye, I could see Mina and Chaeng falling over every thirty seconds and pulling each other down and laughing. In front of us was Momo and Tzuyu trying to keep up with Jihyo but failing and also falling over. I could hear Sana and Dahyun screaming behind as they presumably fell over. I held Nayeons hand as she tripped and we both couldn't stop laughing. As she fell on the floor, I fell on top of her and we ended up in a heap on the floor. Everyone saw and started laughing at us and we laughed along with them.

We got back up and were doing pretty well for our first time. We stumbled a few times but only properly fell twice. Nayeons smile was brighter than ever and her eyes twinkled with happiness. I could tell she was having the time of her life and I was too. I didn't want it to end. She somehow looked so graceful compared to me standing next to her, looking and acting like a complete clown.

At that moment I wanted for the both of us to just skate away to nowhere in particular- just somewhere we could be ourselves and be together without any worry. I knew it would never happen but a girl could dream.

After skating, we went home and made some bibimbap and got ready for practice. During our rehearsals, we got to perform our unit covers for each other and everyone loved mine and Nayeon's the most it seemed. Everyone did so well but Sana, Dahyun and Tzuyu struggled to keep a straight face throughout. It was hilarious to watch and all of us couldn't stop laughing which probably didn't help. All of us had to take a break to calm down and they had another go. This go was a bit more successful but they still couldn't quite keep a straight face throughout.

Everything went well and we could leave early after finishing Fancy. Our dance teacher decided to treat us to dinner at a semi-fancy restaurant. We all went home to get changed and I decided on a red plaid skirt and a white, tied T-shirt paired with some black tights, boots and a leather jacket. I pulled my hair out of its messy ponytail, brushed my hair and headed out of the door- grabbing a bag as I left to get in the car. It was windy so I ran into the car and tried not to let the wind mess up my hair.

Dahyun and Jihyo were in the car already and laughed at my slightly windswept hair. We reached the restaurant as the sun began to set and the temperature began to drop. We jumped out of the car and saw Sana and Tzuyu at the door with our teacher Seo-Jun. Eventually, Chaeyoung, Nayeon and Momo arrived and we headed inside to eat. We sat next to the talk windows on the second floor looking above the river and the sunset looked gorgeous. Nayeon was sitting next to the window and I next to her. I think people assumed I was looking out the window at the sunset but I was looking at Nayeon and how beautiful she looked in the orange, fading sunlight.

Looking at the menu, I thought long and hard about what to order and I must have had a bit of a concentrating face because Nayeon and Sana were giggling at me, making everyone else laugh. As everyone was laughing, Tzuyu somehow managed to spill her orange juice down herself and all over the table. Everyone laughed even more and I stumbled over to her to try and clean up the spill. I grabbed a bunch of napkins- and Jihyo came to help too- and tried to mop up the table as she mopped up her lap. It went all over the floor. Luckily she was wearing boots so her feet didn't get soggy but her clothes were still soaked.

Food came as we finished cleaning up Tzu and we all calmed down enough to eat. It was all gone in an instant and we had to order Tzuyu more orange juice. As we left, I was dropped at my place but packed a bag and sneakily went to Nayeon's. I knocked at the door and she excitedly opened it and let me in. She really was adorable.

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