Her hands in mine -Jeongyeon

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Our dance practice went well and we had a run through of the whole show too. In our break halfway through, Jihyo said about going out to lunch and I- as well as almost everyone else- took up the offer. Nayeon however, tried to reject the offer. 'Sorry but I'm-' she began.
'No Nayeon' Jihyo interrupted her 'you are coming I don't care what you say' and we all laughed. At least she wouldn't be staying behind and overworking herself.
'Im seriously so tired I don't wanna go out after but oh well' I overheard her say to Dahyun.

Throughout practise, I kept catching her looking at me but quickly turning her gaze away when she saw me notice. I found that so cute.

It went well and we all went home to change quickly. I put on some jeans and a blue T-shirt paired with some white Nike trainers. I hopped into the car with Chaeyoung and we were the first to arrive- shortly followed by sana. Im so were standing around talking when I saw Nayeon walk over from one direction and Jihyo from another. My eyes were drawn to Nabong and her outfit was stunning. It was simple but flattered her. I was starving and my stomach was growling. I couldn't wait to eat. Shortly after, everyone else arrived and we headed in. Nayeon sat on the end of the table and I sat next to her, Mina on the other side of me. Me and Nayeon shared a menu as there were only 8 given to us. I decided on a pizza.

While we waited for our food, we talked about our tour and how excited we were. I placed my hand in my lap and felt Nayeon's reach over. I held it and gave her a smile. I saw Jihyo go under the table to get something out of her bag and when she rose, she gave me a smirk. I think she saw but it didn't matter in that moment. It felt like she was mine and nothing else mattered. But it wasn't like that. She didn't like me and I was foolish liking her. But I couldn't help falling for her all over again every time she looked at me. Our food arrived and it looked amazing but I didn't want to let go. I was worried this moment would never repeat and would be lost to our memories forever.

I tried to forget about it but I couldn't. My food tasted brilliant but all I wanted in that moment was Nayeon's hand back in my hand. We finished our food and I reached out for her hand under the table again. Thankfully, she accepted and we held hands until our dessert came. Me and Nayeon shared a chocolate brownie with ice cream and it was so good. I was enjoying my brownie and talking to Sana across the table when Nayeon nudges me and feeds me some of our food. It was so sweet. In return, I then did the same and she giggled, getting some of the chocolate sauce on her nose. I took a picture of her and it was so cute.

Everyone took 100 years to finish and we also stayed after to talk, all the while I was holding Nayeon's hand. I loved this. It felt good.

When we left, me and Nabong went the same way and slowly walked down the road, hand in hand. She leant her head into my shoulder and smiled up at me. I loved when she did this. It was adorable. I felt sad leaving her but I knew I would be seeing her tomorrow so it was alright. I walked into my apartment and watched her skip down the road smiling until she disappeared out of sight. I flopped on my bed, a smile spread across my face as I thought about today.

Im not sure how long I had been laying there
(But it couldn't have been too long) when I heard a knocking at my door. I rushed over and opened it to see Jihyo standing there. I wondered what on earth she was doing at my door when I had seen her no more than half an hour prior. She asked if she could come in and ask me something and I said of course, but I was worried and my stomach was churning.

'So' she began
'I have something I want to ask you. Don't worry it's not bad but I just want to know something.'
'Ok...' I replied.
'Do you like anyone' she asked me, a smile on her face like she knew my answer. Of course she did she's Jihyo for goodness sake she knows everything.
'Uh yeah I do actually...' I trailed off not wanting to get into detail. Now was not the time to come out.
'Ooh who' she begged to know.
'Uh it's actually a girl' I whispered hoping she wouldn't hear.
'Awww whoooooo' she said to me, smiling.
'Wait your not mad'
'Of course not why would I be' she answered.
'I don't know.'
'So who is it?' She demanded to know.
'Im not telling anyone yet and this is stupid but I think I like Nayeon...' I begrudgingly said to her.
' I KNEW IT' she shouted and I laughed
'I mean uh awww'

For a little while after, me and Jihyo talked and then she realised she had to go. I'd finally told someone. It felt like a weight had been taken off of my shoulders. Now I guess I had to tell everyone else. I knew Jihyo wouldn't tell but I felt bad only telling her and not anyone else. Especially Nayeon. So at that very moment I texted her asking her to come over.

Me: Hey if it's not too much of a problem can you come over to mine, like rn please we need to talk

💕Squirtle💕: Of course I'm coming right now

So I waited on my sofa, beside myself with worry until she knocked on the door. It was only five minutes but it felt like an eternity.
I told her to sit down and get comfortable.
'Get comfortable and promise you won't get mad at me for this' I told her.

'Of course I wouldn't I won't get mad at you for anything what's wrong?' She said to me, sounding worried and concerned.

'Uh so basically' I began, taking a deep breath 'I'm gay'

My heart stopped and I held my breath trying not to cry until she wrapped her arms around me. I heard her sob.

'Me too' she whispered.

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