Nayeon I love you -Jeongyeon

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I arrived to our second dance practice that would just be me and Nayeon. I was shaking as I walked in and our managers left. Nayeon was already there so I couldn't even prepare myself before. Our instructor wouldn't be here for another 20 minutes due to traffic so I had plenty of time. I went to the bathroom to prepare myself and walked out. I saw Nayeon sitting on her phone. I walked over to her, took a deep breath and said
' Nayeon. Uh so there's something I've been meaning to tell you'
I saw her expression fall and she looked worried.
'Look at me please' I said to her.
'Nayeon. Where do begin. I've been wanting to tell you this from the moment I saw you but I decided now would be a good time to do it.'
I saw her lean in closer to show she was listening.
'Nayeon I love you'
'Jeongyeon I- I've been wanting to say that to you since we met. I love you too' she replied, her breath taken away.

I couldn't believe it. The girl I loved most loved me back. She pulled my face into hers and kissed me. I kissed her back and it felt like I was in heaven. The girl I wanted the most in my life, the girl I couldn't live without, just kissed me. I just kissed Nayeon. I was the happiest girl in the world. I was over the moon. Nayeon just said she loved me. I told her that I loved her. What was this fever dream I was living. It couldn't be real. I pinched myself because I didn't believe what was happening.
'Jeongyeon you know when you asked me who made me realise I was gay' she said to me after we sat there smiling like fools at each other.
'It was actually you' she said. I was shocked. I was the one who made her realise she liked girls. That made me feel special.
'And when you asked me' I began to her.
'I lied too... it was you' and she let out a little squeal of happiness.

We were both in disbelief. We didn't know how to react. We stood up smiling from ear to ear just as our instructor walked in.
'What's making you two smile so much?' She asked us.
'Oh nothing really Jeongyeon just showed me a funny picture' Nayeon replied. She played it off pretty well I think. Throughout our practice together, we kept looking lovingly at each other and smiling. By the time we finished, my cheeks ached from smiling so much but the happiness I felt couldn't be expressed. We called our driver to let us know we were going to walk instead of get in the car because we wanted some fresh air but we didn't tell our managers. We wanted it to just be a each other and no one else. It would be special that way.

We left the studio hand in hand grinning like idiots and lovingly staring at each other. As we walked down the road, I noticed Jihyo heading our way towards the studio and as she approached us she gave a little squeal as she gave me a sly smile. I nodded at her to confirm her suspicions and her face lit up. I expected to be bombarded with messages from her later tonight but I didn't care. All that mattered was me and Nayeon.

As we approached my apartment, Nayeon frowned. She didn't want to leave me. I didn't want to leave her either so I said to her 'stay at mine tonight please' and she gladly took up the offer.

That night as I fell asleep with Nayeon wrapped around me, I couldn't help but smile as I thought about how my dream had finally come true. Nayeon loved me.
'I love you' I muttered to her as i felt her start to fall asleep.
'I love you too Jeongie' she muttered back as she fell asleep.

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