Dreamy Dancing -Nayeon

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In our dance practice, we spent a lot of time on Fancy but also on our newer releases like What Is Love and Dance The Night Away as well as another unreleased song 'Yes Or Yes' which we had already been practicing for and would soon be shooting the m/v for. After we spent around an hour and a half on these songs, we went through an entire run through of the show which lasted around 2 and a half to 3 hours.

Throughout the run through, I couldn't help but look at Jeongyeon, especially during What Is Love and TT. The way she moved was so mesmerising  and she made even the most difficult of moves look easy. It really was mesmerising. This was the true definition of dreamy dancing.

On our break, Jihyo asked anyone if they wanted to go for lunch after. Everyone agreed but I was already getting tired so I tried to say 'I would love to but I'm already getting tired and will probably want a nap when I get home' but I was cut off before I could say I'm already getting tired by Jihyo saying 'No Nayeon, you are coming I don't care what you say' which resulted in lots of laughing. I reluctantly agreed even though I knew I would be so tired. At least I could spent more time with Jeongyeon.

At the end of practice, everyone rushed home to get changed. I put on a black, open shoulder jumper and some baggy jeans. I was going to put on a white jumper but I knew I would spill something on it. I also fixed my hair out of the messy braids into some small space buns with some of my hair still down. I thought about curling what was down but it would take to long and my hair was slightly wavy from the braids. I put on some trainers and picked up my bag, heading out the door.

When I arrived, Jeongyeon, Sana and Chaeyoung were waiting outside and Jihyo was walking over. After around five minutes, Mina,Tzuyu,Momo and Dahyun had arrived and we headed inside. I sat next to Jeongyeon on the edge of the table and gave her a small smile. We shared a menu and eventually decided on what to order. I chose a burger and fries as we were at an American restaurant and Jeongyeon chose a pizza.

We waited for our food for what felt like ages but was only really 15 minutes. The place smelt amazing with fries, chicken and burgers. We were all talking about our tour and what our favourite parts were. Eventually, the food came and we all tucked straight in. I was starving so it was amazing when it came. While we were talking, I somehow managed to intertwine my fingers with Jeongyeon's. I didn't want to let go. Her hands were warm and fit perfectly into mine. Our food came but neither of us wanted to leave each other's hands. It made me feel special. Like we were something. Im not sure how this happened but I was so pleased it did.

Our food was amazing and we ordered desert too. Me and Jeongyeon shared a chocolate brownie with ice cream and it was amazing. I took a spoonful and instead of feeding myself, fed Jeongyeon and she in return fed me. It was cute. I wish we were something. This meant a lot to me. Im not sure why because it probably didn't mean anything to her but it made my heart flutter in a different way. When we had finished, our hands intertwined again and it felt amazing. We sat like this for who knows how long until we all got up to leave. I didn't want to go but I was also so tired.

Me and Jeongyeon walk the same way home so we went together, hand in hand. I bet people in the street thought we were a couple. I wish. We didn't say much on the way home but it wasn't awkward. We both enjoyed this moment and didn't want it to end. Unfortunately, we came to Jeongyeon's place and we had to part our ways. I walked the last five minutes back to mine with a huge smile and thought about how amazing this afternoon was. When I got home, it was around 2pm and I immediately fell asleep on my sofa.

I slept for ages and woke up to my phone pinging, telling me I had a message. It was from Jeongyeon.

💕Jeongie💕: Hey if it's not too much of a problem can you come over to mine, like rn please we need to talk

I said of course but was so worried deep inside. Had I done something wrong? Had I offended her? I rushed to fix my hair, put my shoes back on and ran down the road, panicking to hers. I got there after only around 5 minutes and I rapidly knocked on the door. She opened it, eyes red and puffy and also looked nervous. I walked in and perched on the edge of her sofa.

'Get comfortable' she said 'and promise you won't hate me for this'.

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