Intertwined -Jeongyeon

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We went back home late into the night and fell asleep around 1am. Uh oh. We had to wake up at 6:30 for practice. We crashed on the couch and slept so well. When my alarm went off in the morning, I didn't want to wake up. I was still so tired but we had to get to practice. I softly played with Nayeon's hair to wake her up and felt her stir. We was slow and stumbling around while we got ready and threw ourselves into the car. I must have fallen asleep because I felt my eyes flutter open and Nayeon rubbed my back whispering into my ear to wake up. My head was buried into her and I didn't want to move. It was cold this morning and I was still tired but I knew I had to get to practice. Hopefully it would wake me up a bit.

Throughout practice, I felt a bit more awake but I noticed Nayeon looking more tired than usual. Afterwards, Jihyo invited everyone over to her place and I reluctantly agreed. It would be nice to have a distraction from the tiredness. When we were in the car, I sat next to Nayeon and I could feel her drift off on my shoulder. I did all I could to not let her sleep because it was only a 5 minute drive to Jihyo's but I nearly fell asleep too. We stumbled out of the car and through Jihyo's front door. Nayeon took an armchair and I squeezed next to her, half laying on her. We both yawned in unison as Chaeyeoung said to us 'why are you two both so tired today'
'I don't know I didn't sleep very well and I don't think Nayeon did either' I replied and was returned with a nod from Nayeon. That In fact was a lie. We slept amazing the only reason we were tired is because we danced all night and didn't fall asleep until 1am.

Everyone got lost in conversation but me and Nabong couldn't keep up. I noticed Jihyo kept looking over at us and smirking. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and my head fell with them. She leaned her head onto me and we both fell asleep. I don't know how long we were asleep for but I remember waking up to Jihyo gently rubbing mine and Nayeon's shoulders and Sana giggling in the background. She then whispered in my ear 'talk about being subtle' and I could only smile.
'Got anything you wanna tell us?' Chaeyoung teased and I looked over at Nayeon. We both nodded and smiled.
'We're together' we both said at once to be met by squeals and hugs.

This continued for a while and over dinner we had a conversation about how we knew we liked each other. I saw Jihyo laughing in the corner. She obviously knew everything. I mean she was Jihyo. We once again decided to stay at Jihyo's overnight. Me and Nayeon took the spare room with Tzuyu on a pull out bed on the floor. In the living room was Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun and Chaeyoung on an assortment of blow up mattresses, pull out beds and the couch. We headed to bed but instead of falling asleep, me, Nabong and Tzuyu decided to make a plan. Just as Jihyo was falling asleep, we would run into her room and ambush her with pillows. It was going to be so funny. We all knew what she was like- when her head hit the pillow she would be asleep almost straight away. Tzuyu heard her go into her room and close the door and we stood outside waiting for the perfect moment to go in. I saw the lamp turn off through the crack at the bottom of the door and knew she would be asleep any minute. We all looked at each other and got ready to go in. I saw everyone else behind us. They must have figured out what we were going and wanted to join in on the fun.

Once everyone had a pillow or cushion in their hand, we burst through the door and through the pillows at her. She screamed and it was hilarious. She then threw the pillows back at us and it turned into a pillow fight. We laughed and threw pillows at each other for an hour until we all began to fall asleep. We all stumbled back to our beds and I threw my arms around Nayeon, giving her a kiss on the head and tucked myself into her. We exchanged good nights with Tzuyu and drifted off to sleep.

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