I feel lighter now -Jeongyeon

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I felt Nayeon relax in my arms as she whispered 'me too' and it took me a minute to fully process what she said. When I realised what she meant, I also realised that she trusts me like I trust her. She trusts me enough to tell me her secrets and one that she could probably get a lot of hate and negativity from. It made me feel different. Even if she didn't like me in the same way I liked her, she thought of me as such a close friend she could tell her secrets to and trust to keep them. That made me foolishly happy and smile through the tears. When we broke apart from each other, we laughed at how stupid we looked. I was smart and put on waterproof mascara but Nayeon didn't and she had black tears streaming down her face. My shoulder was soggy with her tears and hers with mine. Our faces were puffy and red and we looked like a mess.

Eventually, we stopped laughing and crying and I took my glasses off to wipe me tears. I saw Nayeon use the sleeve of her jumper to do the same, trying not to get too much mascara on it. I then gave her a wipe to get rid of the black streaks down her cheeks. Once we'd cleaned our faces up a bit, we put on a movie to watch but I don't think either of us watched much of it. I chose Rapunzel and probably only probably watched the first 15 minutes. Sitting on the couch, I found myself looking at Nayeon who somehow looked cute with puffy and red eyes.

We spoke for hours and hours, oblivious to the world around us. Nabong eventually checked the phone as my stomach growled and it was already nearing 5 o'clock. We decided to order some sushi. We both loved sushi and hadn't had it for ages. While we waited, we played some card game I couldn't quite understand. It finally came and my stomach thanked me.

We tucked straight in and it was gone in an instant. I then spontaneously decided to ask her a very random question.
'Who made you realise you were gay' I asked her, worried about how she would answer.
'I guess it was this actor' she replied to me, sounding a bit unsure. It was probably some girl from training I assumed. She then caught me off guard and asked me who made me realise. I didn't know what to say as it was her so I said 'I don't I guess it was multiple people over time I realised were crushes' and I think i played it well.

Our conversation continued for a while and Nayeon went home. I sat there for a while thinking about what had just happened. I had this slight glimmer of hope that Nayeon could still like me back. I mean the way she acted around me was just different. It's like she felt differently about me...

I later on decided to text the twice chat to come over even though it was 7pm. I said Nayeon and Jihyo could come over too if they wanted to. The next thing I know, probably not even 19 minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. Looking through the peephole, I saw Dahyun and Chaeyoung standing eagerly at my door. I opened the door and they walked in with raindrops adorning their hair. I didn't even realise it was raining. I checked the group chat and everyone said they were coming over. Almost a minute later, I saw Nayeon outside of my window running to my door, soaking wet. Eventually, everyone else showed up and I sat them all down on the couch while I sat in front of them on the footstool so I could see them all. I saw Jihyo and Nayeon whispering away from everyone else and I assumed they were talking about what I was about to tell everyone.

I settled everyone down and started by saying
'So Nayeon and Jihyo I've already told you this but for the rest of you, I need you to promise you won't get mad at me or resent me for this.' I saw Sana and Chaeng cock their heads, showing they were listening while Mina and Tzuyu looked worried. I took a deep breath and saw Nayeon and Jihyo standing behind everyone else silently cheering me on.
'So' I began, taking a small pause.
'Everyone. I've been thinking about this for a while and I've come to the conclusion that I'm gay' and I closed my eyes looking down. Before I did, I noticed Nayeon and Jihyo giving me supportive smiles. As I said this, I was met by a swarm of hugs and support from everyone. They were all saying how proud they were of me. I was proud of me too.

When I fell asleep that night, I couldn't help but smile at how amazing my friends were and how lucky I was to be able to work with them and do what we all love together. But my last thought was about one person in particular. Nayeon. I wasn't 100% certain if she liked me- I mean I could never be- but I decided I had waited long enough and I was to confess to Nayeon tomorrow. I wasn't sure how it would go and I didn't want to embarrass myself but I was hoping and hoping she would feel the same, or at least not make things awkward between us if not. I was going to do it. I'd been wanting to do this for years and years and I was finally going to. This was going to be big.

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