I hope I didn't do anything wrong -Jeongyeon

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'Good morning' I muttered back to Nayeon, a smile spreading across my face. Me and Nayeon must have fallen asleep still wrapped around each other and when she got up to get her phone I was so cold. Her heat radiated onto me and it felt nice. We laid in bed for a while until everyone came bursting through the door telling us to wake up. Sana and Dahyun also teased us. How rude of them.

Jihyo had made some blueberry pancakes for everyone and they were so nice. Me and Nayeon both decided to get ready at the same time so decided whoever got to the bathroom first would. Naturally, I did and Nayeon wasn't best pleased about that.

I got out of the shower to be met by Nayeon running down the hallway to get in the shower. I went to my room laughing at her to put on my makeup and do my hair. While drying my hair, I heard my door open and Jihyo walked in and sat on my bed. I was wondering why. Was something wrong?

'Jeongyeon' she said to me.

'That is I' I replied.

'Is something up. You know. With Nayeon and you. You've seemed very... close recently.' She asked.

'No nothings up I just noticed she's been feeling down recently and have been comforting her.' I calmly answered, although my heart was jittering and I was sweating.

'Ok then. That's all. Oh and please don't take too long getting ready' and she left.

I sat on my bed turning red. When she mentioned Nayeon I got worried. Has she figured out I like her yet? Did I do something wrong? Is Nayeon upset with me? I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

A moment after Jihyo left, Nayeon came in to do her makeup and saw me red on my bed. She asked if something was wrong. I replied with 'oh no Jihyo just came in and embarrassed me'. We sat on my bed doing our makeup and talking until Jihyo came in again. 'I swear you two are up to something' she says to us until she follows up with 'anyway are you alright with pizza for lunch' and we said of course, running to the living room.

There wasn't even a point in answering Jihyo's question because Chaeyoung was already on the phone ordering pizza. We were all starving and couldn't wait for it to come. After around 20 minutes, the doorbell rang and the pizza was finally here. Sana ran to the door and collected the pizza. The minute it was placed on the coffee table, everyone cheered up and reached for a slice. Within 10 minutes it was all gone and everyone was full.

However, I ran to the kitchen. There were many confused faces but I knew exactly what I was doing. I reached into my cupboard for some bowls and another for packets of chocolate and sweets. I ran back into the living room with hands full of sweets. In one bowl was different chocolates and in another was full of sweets. I also had one full of crisps.

Everyone cheered when I walked in with the bowls and dived for the food. We spent hours eating and talking until Chaeyoung looked at the time and saw it was already nearly 4 o'clock. People had apparently made plans for this evening and had to go home to get ready for that. Momo, Mina and Sana didn't but they said they should probably get going too.

Everyone else left apart from Nayeon. She didn't have any plans or anything better to do. We sat and carried on talking and I asked her 'do you wanna stay tonight too?'

'I would love to but we have dance practise tomorrow morning and I don't have any clothes or pyjamas for tonight'

'That's ok you can borrow mine' I replied.

'Are you sure?' She asked

'Of course!'

So Nayeon stayed another night.

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