Chapter One: It Started Like Any Other Day...

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"Marinette! Marinette, wake up, or you'll be late for school again!" squeaked a small voice. Marinette lay in her bed, half asleep. "Ughhhh, Tikki, it's a Saturday. Let me sleepppp..." Tikki sighed. "Marinette, today's a Friday. You have about 10 minutes before school starts!"

Marinette sat up and yelped, "10 minutes?! I'm gonna be so late!"

The kwami smiled. She really had a half hour, but Tikki woke her up early today.

As Marinette dashed down the stairs, Tikki floated into her bag. "Aren't you worried about Alya and the others bullying you today?" Marinette smiled. "Not today, Tikki. We'll put our plan into motion soon."

Marinette ran across the street, trying to get to Collège Françoise Dupont before she was late. Again.

As she ran up to the school, she bumped into Lila and Alya, causing Lila to fall over and start fake sobbing. "Ouch! My hand! Marinette, did you just push me?" Lila cried as she winked at Marinette and began fake sobbing again before Alya turned around.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Marinette Dupan-Cheng. Finally on time, it seems?" Alya said snarkily as she glared at Marinette, who appeared to be upset, but was really just confused because Tikki told her she was late.

 Lila sniffed, drying her invisible tears. "A-Alya, we shouldn't waste t-time on someone like Marinette. She'll n-never change."

Alya turned back to Lila, who was still on the floor. "Are you sure, girl? Maybe you should go to the nurse to see if you're okay after Marinette pushed you-"

Lila faked looking scared of Marinette. "I'm fine, let's just go."

Alya shrugged. "If you say so, bestie."

Marinette felt a pang of sadness about those words. Alya used to say them to her all the time, and now she only said it to Lila, who didn't care about Alya AT ALL. Where once Marinette was the most beloved person in the akuma class (Which is what her friends and everyone else, including herself, called Miss Bustier's class now), she was now treated like dirt by all but three people. Two of which were her friends, and the other refused to stand up for Marinette and told her to take the high road, although Marinette was clearly a 'victim' of Lila's lies.


I'm pretty sure you can guess who that was.

That was the exact moment when Marinette Dupan-Cheng fell out of love with Adrien Agreste.

While Marinette watched Lila and Alya walk up the stairs and into the school. Just before Lila entered, she threw a paper ball at Marinette. She was about to catch it, but Chloe got to it before she did.

"Hello, Dupain-Cheng!"

Marinette sighed. "Hello, Chloe."

Chloe looked at the paper ball in her hand. "What's this, some kind of love letter from Adrikins that was supposed to be for me? Why would he give it to you? This is RIDICULOUS, UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!"

Chloe uncrumpled the note and scribbled something on it. "Here's your love letter back, Dupain-Cheng," and she threw it back at Marinette. Marinette fell over trying to catch it as Chloe laughed derisively and walked into school.

Marinette noticed Adrien staring at her, and Marinette stared at him as if to say, 'Why are you siding with THEM?!' Adrien looked kind of guilty and turned away from her.

Marinette walked inside and got tripped by Kim as she entered Miss Bustier's Classroom. Kim sneered at her as she walked to her seat in the back of the class, sitting next to nobody. She sat down and openned the note, and smiled.

You girls ready? It's time for the plan. Meet me, Blue, and Viper after school at Red's house.


Heck yeah, lets give these jerks a taste of their own medicine


Marinette smiled and added her own handwriting to the note.

It's on, girls.



Word Count: 627

A/N: Hope you guys like this, it might go kinda fast in the beginning but I hope that it'll be good!

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