Chapter Six: Leaving Only One Thing To Be Done...

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Cat Noir watched Ladybug talk to Ryuko, Vipereon, and some other miraculous-wearers. That's strange, what are they doing?" He thought as he jumped across roofs to get to them. He heard a bit of what Ladybug was saying.

"So, this mannequin that I had in my room," Ladybug said, gesturing at a mannequin on top of the roof. "Will represent Cat Noir, as he has no idea that we're going to do this."

"No idea that I'm going to do what now?"

Ladybug whipped around towards the sound of Cat Noir's voice. The blond hero was standing on his pole, staring at all the new heroes.

"Why, M'lady!" Cat Noir smirked playfully, feigning sadness. "Did you replace me with all these new heroes?"

Vipereon glared at Cat Noir, but he didn't see it.

Ladybug looked at him and said, "Of course not, Kitty. You're a valuable member of this team."

Cat Noir looked confused. TEAM? He'd thought that it was only him and Ladybug.

"Team? What do you mean by team?" Cat Noir asked.

Ladybug froze. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that, Cat Noir. It's complicated, and I just don't have the time to explain it to you. Any other time would work, but not today."

Cat Noir sighed sarcastically. "You have time to explain it to them, but not to me? And I thought I was your only kitty!"

"Cat Noir, right?" said the heroine in the fox miraculous. Cat Noir nodded. "I'm sorry, but if Ladybug doesn't have time for you, that means you should probably scram, kitty cat. Right now is our time to hang out with Ladybug."

"Me-owch. I think I've earned the right to talk to M'lady if I need to, I've probably saved you, and I just need to know what Ladybug is doing-"

"You heard her."

Vipereon was coldly staring at Cat Noir, and then the heroine who'd spoken stepped forward.

The Bee Miraculous holder was staring at Cat Noir in disgust.

"Kitsune told you to leave Ladybug alone, we just have to talk to her for a while. Nobody's getting hurt-"

Ryuko spoke up. "Well, now you've implied that somebody WAS going to get hurt, so maybe reword your sentence, Hornet."

'Hornet' continued. "You should just leave us alone. This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

Cat Noir thought about what Hornet just said. Where have I heard that before...?

Cat Noir turned to Ladybug. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you gave Chloe the Miraculous of the Bee!"

Everyone seemed to freeze, but Cat Noir didn't notice.

"But, fortunately, she's right down there," Cat Noir said, pointing to Chloe, who was on the street with Sabrina.

Kitsune's miraculous beeped twice. "I should probably go. The illusion of the dancing cats is going to wear off soon."

Dancing cats? Cat Noir thought, puzzled. Then he turned around and saw some cats dancing on a plate for some reason. "That's... kind of a weird thing to make an illusion of, but okay. See ya later, M'ladybug."

He jumped from roof to roof until he reached his room. "Plagg, claws in."

Plagg flew out of his ring and Adrien reached into his bag and threw some camembert at Plagg. The cat kwami caught it and ate it in one bite.

"Geez, kid, what's up with your girlfriend?" Plagg asked.

Adrien turned to his kwami and didn't say anything.

"Hey. Kid. Look at me."

Adrien looked up at Plagg as the kwami said, "Okay, what's wrong? Usually you deny her being your girlfriend. Did Lila do something orrr...?"

Adrien sighed. "I don't know what Marinette's doing. I tried helping her and she denied my help. Do you think I screwed up?"

"Honestly, kid? Absolutely you did. She tried to stop Lila's lies and you stopped her. You've basically ruined her life and refused to stand up for her. Lila turned everyone against Marinette and is making everyone bully her, and the last holder I had that got bullied, the bullies took it too far and she died. Marinette was in love with you, Adrien, and you broke her heart. What kind of a 'friend' does that? So yes, you've screwed up. And I honestly don't know how you're going to fix this."


Word Count: 709



This is the most I've gotten on a story/fanfic ever!

You guys are awesome.

Sorry it was so late, but I just couldn't think of anything, but I got something eventually.

It snowed last night :)

And just like that, I'm gone again :(

See you guys next weekend!

Have a great day/night/evening/morning/afternoon/1:09 am!


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