Chapter Four: And So It Began...

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Marinette woke up early and made her way to school. She noticed everyone was whispering about something and didn't understand what they were talking about. But she did hear whispers of something about 'the walls' and 'can't get it off'.

When she got inside, she thought, So this is what Kagami did... she's pretty good at graffiti.

Somebody, who only Lila, Chloe, Luka, and herself knew was Kagami, had painted the words 'revenge is coming towards them' all over the walls.

Marinette chuckled softly as Lila and Chloe walked in. It's showtime, she thought.

Lila pretended to look scared and stood on the stairs. "Everyone, we think we know who did this!" she yelled while Chloe stood beside her.

"It was Dupain-Cheng herself. It all makes sense!" Chloe snarled. "She's been bullying Lila non-stop and hates me, so it would make sense that she would be the one doing this."

A murmur of agreement passed through the crowd, but suddenly somebody surprised everyone by exclaiming, "NO! IT WASN'T MARINETTE!"

Marinette stood, wide-eyed, looking at the person who'd defended her.

Holy crap.


Adrien glared at Chloe and Lila, causing the both of them to glare cold-heartedly at him.

"Oh, really? Well, what proof do you have that it wasn't her?" Chloe said.

Adrien paused. "I know it wasn't her, because... because she was at my house last night, it couldn't have been her!"

Everyone gasped in shock, and Marinette internally rolled her eyes. NOW was the time that he stood up for her. Huh. Where was he earlier, when he knew about Lila's lies and refused to tell anyone?

Sorry Adrien, but this is kinda messing up my plan and I really can't have that, sooooo...

Marinette smiled passive-aggressively. "Thanks for defending me Adrien, but I wasn't at your house last night. I was at home, doing my homework."

That was also a lie, she went patrolling with Cat Noir after her friends had left. But nobody else knew that but her and her real friends, so there was no harm in saying it. Plus, Marinette had already done her homework two weeks ago. Seriously, the due dates on assignments were WAY too long.

Adrien glared at her as if he was saying, I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU, STOP IT.

Marinette just ignored him.

 Chloe looked triumphantly at the crowd. "See, she did do it!"

Marinette smiled at her and said, "However, YOU have no proof that I did do it. Checkmate, Chloe."

Lila was about to say something, but the bell rang and everyone started to go to class. Adrien walked over to Marinette and whispered, "What are you doing? I'm trying to help you!"

Marinette walked a few steps away, then turned and looked at Adrien.

She smirked mischievously, which he could not see as her back was facing him. "Pfft. Help me?"

Marinette turned to him with a twisted smile. "It's a bit late for that now, Adrien."

Adrien took a few steps backward. He wasn't prepared for Marinette to react like that. "Why aren't you trying to stop Lila's lying? I thought you hated her!"

Marinette walked towards him, causing him to back up more until he was against a wall. "Do you know why I'm not, Agreste?" Her voice was full of anger and venom as she said those words, while putting her hand on the wall. "I took some advice from one of my old friends. Do you know what that advice was that he gave me, the advice I took to heart after he tore mine into pieces?"

Adrien flinched as she leaned forward and whispered into his ear;

"I've decided to take the high road."


Word Count: 608 

Oooh the plan is happening

Thank you guy for over 40 reads and 5 followers!

Seriously this story has been a thing for like four days wow-

But seriously, thank you all!

Unfortunately, Like I said a few chapters ago, I can't post during Monday-Friday, unless its a day off, and then I will post. I'll be writing more chapters of my books/fanfics on a google doc and won't literally just write whatever comes to mind

Have a great day/night/afternoon/evening/morning/4 am!

I'm literally just writing random early times in the morning lol-

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