Chapter Five: And They Tested Some Things...

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Marinette stared out the window in her classroom. Miss Bustier wasn't really teaching, but really more catching up on work she'd forgotten to teach one day.

Fortunately, Marinette, Chloe, and Lila already knew this, so they were texting each other during class.


The Girls


Mari: Okay so, are we all caught up on the plan?

Chloe: Ni

Chloe: No*

Lila: You literally just sent us this with zero context, how are we supposed to know?

Mari: I just thought it would be cool if you did

Lila: Really?

Chloe: Tbh it wuold


Mari: lol

ANYWAY, we're meeting after school to try out your miraculouses with Kagami and Luka, so meet me on the roof of my house.


"Miss Bustier! Marinette's on her phone!" Alya said, glaring at Marinette. Marinette groaned. Time for another detention.

Lila stood up. "Miss, it's my fault. I was sending Marinette some links to websites that can help her become a better person. Don't blame Marinette, blame me. It's all my fault." Lila looked very sad as she said this, selling the fact she was telling the truth.

Miss Bustier sighed. "It's all right, Lila. Just don't do it again."

Marinette internally facepalmed. This was a horrible way to give any form of telling off somebody. The first time she did it in class, she was sent straight to the principal's office!

Just another reason to get revenge on them all.

Well, except a few of them.

Rose and Juleka stopped being a jerk to her, and Rose tried to talk to Marinette, but was pulled away by Alya and Nino before she could get too close.

Suddenly, the bell rang and Marinette rushed out of class, with Lila and Chloe close behind her.

Not too close, because everyone could still see them. They just figured that they had run off in the same direction.

The trio snuck into an alleyway, and Tikki flew out of Marinette's bag.

Chloe smiled. "Can I have Pollen back nowwww?"

"Of course, the miraculouses are in my bag."

Marinette reached into her bag and gave Lila the Fox Miraculous, and Chloe the Bee Miraculous. Chloe opened the box as a yellow blob of light flew out of it. Lila opened her box, and almost dropped it, as an orange light flew out of it and circled her.

"Whoa, what the heck?!" Lila yelped, visibly startled.

Suddenly, the orange light became an orange floating fox with purple eyes. "Hello Al- HANGGG onnnn, you're not-" Trixx hiccuped, and Pollen laughed. "Remember, we can't say the names of our holders!" Tikki snickered.

Trixx shrugged and turned back to Lila. "Anyway, my name's Trixx, and I'm your Kwami!"

Lila just stood there, wide-eyed at the kwamis. This day was getting weirder and weirder.

Trixx smirked. "First time seeing a kwami?"


"You get used to it eventually," Tikki said. "The first time Marinette saw me, she screamed and dropped the box!"

"Tikkiiiiiiii, don't tell them about that!" Marinette yelped.

"Hey! You guys coming up here or what?"

They looked up and saw what Marinette assumed was Chloe, but she didn't look like Queen Bee, as she had a different outfit and hairstyle on, so nobody could recognize her.

"Shouldn't we be worried about the fact we're in an alleyway, and our identities could be exposed by somebody walking over here?" Lila asked Trixx.

Trixx shrugged. "Nah, everybody here is blind."

"Okay, how do I transform?"

Trixx floated around Lila's head. "Just say, 'Trixx, Let's Pounce!" and I'll do the rest!"

Lila smiled and said, "Trixx, Let's Pounce!" as Marinette said, "Tikki, Spots On!" and they jumped on the roof, where Viperion, Ryuko, and Not-Queen Bee were waiting for them.

"Okay, so you need to have superhero names. Chloe can't be Queen Bee anymore, for obvious reasons, and Lila can't be Volpina or Rena Rouge, for even more obvious reasons," Ladybug said.

Lila thought for a moment and looked at her outfit to see if it could give her any ideas. She kinda looked like Volpina, but with Crimson Red and White accents, and the orange on her was darker. Suddenly, she had an idea. "How about... Kitsune?"

Ladybug's eyes flashed. "That's pretty good. And Chloe, who are you?"

Chloe shrugged. "I don't know. I can't think of anything, so you can decide, I guess."

"How about Hornet?" Lila suggested.

Chloe smiled. "That works."

Ladybug smiled. "Anyway, let's rehearse what we're gonna do at the celebration."


Word Count: 733

I'm back :)

I had to split it into 2 parts because it was wayyy too long

I didn't know what to call Lila and Chloe in Miraculouses, so I just gave them the names of two of my Miraculous OCs when transformed

I'm stealing from myself.


have a great day/night/evening/morning/afternoon/10:07 am


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