Chapter Nine: And Nobody Interferes...

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 Marinette walked from her house to Collège Françoise Dupont, now wearing a dress she'd designed. It was pink and silver, and she had her hair down, instead of her usual pigtails. She also had a handbag, also pink and silver. And right now it was... about 6:47 p.m., so that meant one thing.

The plan.

It started at seven.

She entered the courtyard of the school, and nobody saw her enter. Normally this would've annoyed her, but right now Marinette was glad, because it would give her more time to set things up.

This could either go the way it was supposed to, or incredibly wrong.

Marinette seriously hoped for the right option.

Chloe noticed her, and smiled devilishly, and said, "Oh, look, everyone, Mari-Trash is here to see who she'll never be! A hero!"

Almost everyone laughed, except for Luka, who was away from the group, Julika, and Rose, both of whom were half-smiling guiltily.

Chloe walked away, and Lila excused herself from the group. Luka hid in the background, and soon it was almost 7 p.m.


Marinette looked up towards the stage, and saw Cat Noir there. He smiled at her, and Marinette rolled her eyes, making Cat Noir frown.

She heard murmurs of, "Where's Ladybug?" and, "Ladybug isn't here yet!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Marinette saw a flash of bright orange light on the roof, and then scampering noises as 'Ladybug' appeared on the roof. "Sorry I'm late, everyone, but I got caught up in the crowd here. I couldn't find a place to transform."

Everyone chuckled at that, and Ayla leapt forwards with her phone aimed at Ladybug. "Does this mean that you're a student here?" She asked, accusingly. "No, it just means I was here for the party, 'Ladybug' said, smiling.

Marinette rolled her eyes internally. The REAL her would NEVER treat Alya like that, especially after what she'd done to her.

A few more reporters forced their way through the crowd and started asking 'Ladybug' and Cat Noir questions. "Are you guys a thing? Like, a couple?"

Cat Noir smiled, and said, "No, but-"

'Ladybug' burst out laughing. "No, god, no. Absolutely not. I mean, Cat Noir's a sweet guy, but I've got a boyfriend. Or at least my civilian form does. Cat Noir turned to 'Ladybug', hurt flashing in his eyes. "You never told me..." he whispered to Ladybug. "It just happened today, I was gonna tell you eventually."

A gasp shook the crowd and some people boo'd her, probably the LadyNoir shippers, and some cheered, the ones who didn't ship LadyNoir.

And more questions were asked, but then a small beeping noise was heard.


The miraculous is gonna make Kitsune de-transform.

But then, a mist appeared out of nowhere. 'Ladybug' gasped and said, "Akuma! Everyone stay calm- ARGH!"

That was the last thing she said before she was whisked away.

Cat Noir yelped, "M'lady! Wait-"

But then, a shadowy figure jumped down from the roof, paralyzing Cat Noir.

The figures ran behind the school, and Marinette followed them, and nobody noticed.

They didn't see the black butterfly following her.

Marinette met up with Chloe and Lila, now de-transformed.

Lila smiled. "Ready, Girls?"

Chloe nodded her head. "Now we just gotta attract the akuma. Think of all they've done to us..."

Marinette held out the pink and silver handbag, and Chloe and Lila put their hands on it. And with all of their negative thoughts combined, they were able to attract the akuma.

It flew into the bag, turning it black.

A voice echoed through the trio's heads, saying,

"Princess Justice, Lady Truth, and Word Queen, you are the Trio Of Power. I am HawkMoth. Your 'friends' have wronged you, and now it's time to show the truth. I'm giving you the power to expose all the lies and punish the liars. All I need in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculouses. Do we have a deal?"

"HawkMoth, nothing would please us greater than to aid you," The Trio of Power said, simultaneously.


Word Count: 676


I made the plan start 

and like I said on a seperate post, I'm not gonna upload tommorow-




and thank you guys for over 400 reads!

geez, every time i don't check it goes up by a lot-

Anyway, sorry it's short, I'm tired and something happened irl, not a horrible thing, just getting used to it, so don't worry, and have a great day/night/afternoon/morning/evening/3 am!


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