Chapter Seven: The Plan Will Begin Soon

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//TW: Mention of Suicide. But it's brief, but still.//

Marinette looked around her room and started taking down the pictures that she had of Adrien. Tikki flew over to her and asked, "Why are you taking Adrien's pictures down? I thought you liked looking at him!"

Marinette sighed. "That's the thing. I'm not entirely sure I like him anymore. I thought he was this super kind and strong guy, but he only stood up for me when I was being called out for graffiti, which I didn't do, obviously. It's just kinda... weird, now, because I've been hanging out with Luka, and..."

"So you like Luka?" Tikki asked.

Marinette face-planted on her bed, which she was conveniently standing next to. "That's the thing Tikki. I'm not sure about anything anymore."

Tikki smiled warmly. "I'm sure you'll figure everything out soon, Marinette."

"I hope so."

"Hey, kid."

Marinette looked up quickly, as Plagg floated in for some reason.

"Plagg, what are you doing? You're supposed to be with Cat Noir!" Tikki said as she floated up towards the cat kwami. "What if there's an akuma attack?"

Plagg rolled his eyes. "Believe me, nothing could happen. What could go wrong? Anyway, Cat Noir is being all mopey because his 'friend' is acting weird."

"Well, that's still no excuse. Go back to him! Comfort him or something, you're his kwami!" Tikki said.

"I tried being nice, but I think he found it weird," Plagg shrugged. "Plus, I kinda upset him more."

"PLAGG!" Tikki yelped.

"Whatttt? I explained to him why she was being weird and then he got upset! Probably because I mentioned Bridgette..."

Tikki suddenly went quiet, and an awkward silence filled the room.

"Wait, who's Bridgette?" Marinette asked.

Plagg shook his head. "I'm not supposed to say... but I guess I've already told Adr- I MEAN Cat Noir, so here goes nothing;

"Bridgette was one of the past Cat Noirs, and she went by Chatte Noire. Everyone adored her, and she was in love with Beetlebug's civilian form, Felix, and he never really returned her feelings as Felix. He had sort of a girl group following him, and these girls absolutely adored him. If Felix hated somebody, the girls turned against that person too."

Plagg paused, and Tikki continued the story.

"One day, Bridgette asked Felix out, and when he said no, she persisted. I remember Felix telling me about how annoying it was, and how he just wished she would leave him alone. So eventually, Bridgette gave up. Unfortunately, the girl group now had it out for her, and were only waiting for her to slip up so they could begin the attack."

Plagg sighed. "You don't have to continue the story, I'll do it." Tikki looked at Plagg with concern. "Are you sure?"

Plagg nodded.

"And eventually about a week after she'd stopped asking Felix out, she bumped into Felix and his fangirls. Still thinking she was trying to win his love, Felix lashed out at Bridgette and told her what he really thought about her." Plagg smiled sadly. "If only he'd known that she was Chatte Noire, then he would've never done that. The girl group saw their chance, and as Felix left, they started to physically and mentally abuse Bridgette. Every chance they got. They spread false rumors, and mocked her weight. It went on for weeks, and then for months. The worst part was that they'd always been Chatte Noire's biggest fans and compared Bridgette to her. Chatte Noire confided in Beetlebug, and he promised to destroy whoever hurt her, but Bridgette refused to tell him who was doing this."

Plagg stopped, and then looked at Marinette. "One day in December, she went for a walk on the bridge to clear her thoughts."

"Marinette doesn't need to hear this part-" Tikki interrupted.

"No, it's okay, Tikki." Marinette smiled. "Go on, Plagg."

"She was watching the ice skaters on the river. It'd barely frozen, and the skaters were avoiding the middle of the river, which was under the bridge. Bridgette was leaning towards the lake, and suddenly, the girl group pushed her off the bridge. She knew she'd sink, but had no time to transform. And if she'd transformed, everyone would know her identity. So she threw the miraculous on the bridge, and crashed through the ice, dying on impact."

Marinette stood there in shock. Tikki held back tears as Plagg continued the story.

"One of the girls picked up the ring, and put it on. What she wasn't expecting-" Plagg said, voice breaking, "Was for me to fly out of the ring and dive for Bridgette. But I was too late, and the ice had refrozen, trapping her body under the ice. One of the girls recognised the pattern on the ring and broke down crying. A while later, Felix heard what happened and he-"

Tikki flew away, sobbing.

"H-he didn't want to live without Chatte Noire. So he ran to the bridge a-and he jumped off to be with her."

A single tear escaped Plagg's eyes. "The whole world was devastated at the loss of the two young heroes. Farfalla, the current Hawk Moth, turned herself in to the police out of guilt and the Miraculouses were returned to Master Fu... but the Moth and Peafowl were still missing."

Plagg paused, and murmured, "I have to leave." and he floated away.

Marinette was in shock.

But there was no time for that. The plan was tomorrow.

And there would be no going back.


Word Count: 877

I this is my first time writing angst, and my last for a while. 

Sorry it's kinda late, and that it's kinda filler.

Yes, I made Bridgette and Felix swap Miraculouses.

I almost cried making this chapter, tbh.

Future self, this is a reminder not to get attached to characters.

It snowed outside :)

Anyway, it gets better tommorow, so yeah.

Have a great day/night/evening/afternoon/morning/ 4 am!

also holy crap we've got over 250 reads 

Thank you guys!

also if you want, you can comment I like knowing what people think.


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