Chapter 11: The Perfect Revenge...

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Nobody had stepped forwards to feel Princess Justice's wrath, which was understandable, because normal people don't want to feel the wrath of three akumatized people, even if their wrath is justified.

Princess Justice sighed, and said, "Very well. I'll pick at random."

"Let's see..." she said to nobody in particular. "I think I'll go with... ALYA."

Alya froze in place as her so-called friends inched away from her slowly. She was still in shock, and couldn't believe that she'd believed a liar over her best friend.

"Any last words before I make you spill all your secrets?" Princess Justice asked, charging up her powers.

"Yes. Just one."

Alya paused, and asked. "Why?"

The trio of power froze for a moment, and Princess Justice asked, "Why?"

"Why?" Alya asked again. "Why did you do this, Marinette? I thought we were friends before? So why would you do this? Why have Lila come to this school, lie her mouth off, and have us hate you? Why?"

Princess Justice was silent for a moment, and Word Queen spoke up, and tried to charge at Alya. "WHY?!" Word Queen yelled, angrily. "I DID IT FOR HER. YOU WERE USING HER FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL GAIN."

Suddenly, Cat Noir leapt forwards and tried to stop her, but Lady Truth intercepted his attack and they started to exchange hits, giving Word Queen a passage to the class.


Princess Justice turned to Word Queen, and said quietly, "Don't. I'll tell them."

Word Queen rolled her eyes and stepped away. Princess Justice continued the story.

"Back before I knew you, Alya," she said, voice dripping with venom. "I was friends with Lady Truth, or as you previously knew her as 'Chloe'. Chloe and I were best friends. But over time, she gained a reputation for being the 'rich, snotty girl'. So, to protect me from becoming another snotty girl, she acted as if we'd had a falling out, so she pretended to be disgusted by the thought of me. We still had sleepovers and did best friend things, but in school we pretended to hate each other."

Alya blinked. "That still doesn't explain how you met Lila."

Princess Justice sighed. "I'm getting there, hang on."

"Then, one night as we were playing video games in Chloe's room, we met a girl online. She became our online best friend. Her name was Lila Rossi. We all grew closer, and then, you came into the picture, Alya, and you were so nice. Why did I think that?" she scoffed.

"Originally I'd thought that you were just wanting to be friends, and you probably did. But then you started asking me for things, like outfits, or pastries. I thought it was what friends did, because Chloe asked me for things, but she paid for them. Even though she was my best friend, she still paid for them. I told her she didn't have to, and you took that for granted, Alya. And once word got around that I was giving you free things, EVERYONE wanted free things. They became friends with me for free stuff, and I was oblivious to that."

"Lila and Chloe weren't, though. Lila came up with a plan and convinced her mom to move from Italy to Paris. And she lied her mouth off, like you said. And you," she said, pointing at all of the class. "Were fooled. Immediately. You didn't even check for validation! Some lies were so ridiculously impossible, that I was dumbfounded by how gullible you were! Google exists, you know."

"So that, Alya, is why we did it, and you were oblivious to it the whole time."

Alya looked down, realizing for the first time in a while about how badly she'd hurt Marinette. She never should've used her, but it was too late for apologies. Marinette would never forgive her, and she accepted that.

The screams around her continued as she crumbled to the floor. She was such an idiot. Her classmates were suffering at the horrible wrath of the Trio of Power. She was helpless to all the-


Lady Truth fell to the ground and cried out, "Princess Justice, look out!"


Word Count: 692

The story ends soon...

Also, we've hit almost 700 reads.

Thank you all!

I'm gonna keep this short. 

Have a great day/night/morning/afternoon/evening/2 am!


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