Chapter Ten: Then It Shall Work...

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Cat Noir was paralyzed. Figuratively and literally. For one reason, he was under the effect of Hornet's venom, and the other was from a mixture of fear, confusion, and overall, THE FLIPPING VENOM.

At least there were no akumas, that would be...

Cat Noir blinked. Oh look, an akuma, he thought, then stopped himself and thought, wait, what?!

Now was the WORST POSSIBLE TIME for an akuma! He couldn't move, Ladybug just got kidnapped by what Cat Noir thought was a cult, and everyone is panicking.

Suddenly, a crash was heard from behind him. Cat Noir turned to see not one, not two, but THREE akumatized villains.

He recognized who it was immediately.


Cat Noir still didn't know who the other two were, so he assumed it was Marinette's power, which was probably to transform other people into villains.

Thankfully, the venom wore off.

Unfortunately, Marinette had noticed the akuma class, minus Lila, Chloe, Julika, Rose, Sabrina, and himself.

Cat Noir grabbed his staff, which had fallen out of his grasp and onto the floor, and ran to Marinette and the two mystery girls.

"Marinette, stop!" Cat Noir said, glaring at the now akumatized bluenette. "Can't you see how wrong this is?!"

The shorter girl smirked. "I'm not Marinette, silly kitty, I'm Princess Justice! And these are my associates, Word Queen and Lady Truth."

Princess Justice paused for a moment, and sighed. "I know I'm not supposed to, but let's make a deal. Leave me and my true friends alone, and I, in return," she said, staring intensely at Cat Noir, "Will spare you the embarrassment of having your life ruined."

Cat Noir blinked, appearing unfazed. "Well, any other time I'd accept this deal, but these are innocent people!"

Marinette- Princess Justice laughed derisively. "Don't tell me they fooled you, too. They're not so innocent. I should tell you everything. About how they used me..."

Word Queen spoke up, "About how I proved that they were using her..."

Lady Truth continued, saying, "About how they jumped to conclusions about me, and so I shunned Princess Justice to protect her and myself, and now..."

The three spoke as one, which was honestly really creepy if you think about it. "We are the Trio of Power, and we're here to prove the innocence of Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"

Alya lunged forwards, who Cat Noir thought was trying to attack Marinette. "YOU LITTLE- LILA IS NOT A LIAR! MARINETTE HAS BEEN BULLYING HER, WE KNOW IT!"

The rest of the class shouted in agreement. "Yeah, you're just a liar, and you know it!"

Word Queen laughed. "You absolute fools. I was never the bully, and neither was Mari! It was you the whole time!"

Alya and the class paled. "L-Lila?!" she gasped, and stammered, "Bestie? Did Mari do this to you?"

Word Queen rolled her eyes. "Please, stop. I was NEVER your bestie. And you have lost the right to call Marinette 'Mari'. You used her skills for your own personal gain, and I was the one who noticed this!"

Lady Truth cackled evilly. "I helplessly watched her talents be used on a very obviously fake friendship, built upon lies and greed. You asked her for things, and promised to give Mari things back in return, but you never did. And you, the teachers,"

Lady Truth turned to Mr. Damocles and Ms. Bustier, and said, "You turned your back on a student who was obviously suffering, you didn't check for proof about Lila's lies, you told her to stop complaining and you expelled her, not even bothering to check the fricking security cameras. What kind of teacher or principal would EVER believe such horrible excuses from a new student, over a prized student who'd been nothing but a helpful, trusting, wonderful friend and member of this community? Unlicensed ones, I'd say."

Mr. Damocles and Ms. Bustier froze, and immediately yelled excuses about everything Lady Truth had just said. Everyone joined them, saying they were wonderful teachers and had licenses to teach.

Lady Truth lifted her hands, creating a ball of blue and yellow energy, and throwing it at the teachers.

They lifted their heads and said, "We do not have licenses for teaching. We were never qualified." Ms. Bustier blinked, and said robotically, "I didn't care much for my students, as long as they didn't disobey the school rules. I believed Lila's lies because of her mother, who is a person of power and could surely help the school."

Mr Damocles continued, saying, "I cheated my way to the top of the school, and never bought security cameras because of lack of money. We did have money at first, but I spent it all on my personal collection of The Owl merch and comics. I did everything Chloe and Lila said for money and power, for my personal gain.

Word Queen walked towards them, and touched their foreheads, rendering them unable to speak, no matter how hard they tried.

Princess Justice scoffed as she looked at the two teachers, now struggling to get their voices back.

"You," she said, glaring at them, "Disgust me." and those were the last words they heard before Cat Noir watched them crumble into stone dust from a single snap of Princess Justice's finger.

The crowd gasped, and Cat Noir leapt forwards at Princess Justice, attempting to knock her unconscious.

But she'd heard him coming and moved out of the way as he tumbled to the hard ground, and Cat Noir was grabbed by Word Queen and Lady Truth.

Princess Justice turned back to the now frightened group, the akuma class.

She smirked. "Now, who's next?"


Word Count: 924

I have a few ideas of what will happen next...

but we'll see.

This story is gonna end soonish, so I need an idea or two of what to make next.

Maybe a oneshot book for this AU?

Multiple POVs?

Sequal? (lol maybe, but I can't think of what it would be about.)

I might make a different ending to this book, so let me know if you guys want me to make one of these.

Def doing the oneshot book anyway-

Okay, two things-

One, I enjoy knowing what people thing about this or any of my other books, so please don't be a silent reader and comment whatever you want!




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