Chapter Eight: And Nobody Will Notice...

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"Marinette! Help me with these banners!"

Marinette looked over to where Ms. Bustier was standing on a stepstool, trying to hold up some banners that said, 'Welcome, Ladybug and Cat Noir!'

"Coming! Just give me a second!" Marinette yelped as she quickly tried to arrange the macarons that she'd made especially for the party. Tonight was the night.

The night where they would get revenge.

And the best part was that almost NOBODY knew it was going to happen!



"Oh!" Marinette realized that she'd been staring into nothing. "Sorry, Ms. Bustier!" she yelled as she ran towards her teacher, who was still struggling to put up the banner. Everyone in her class was helping decorate the courtyard in the middle of the school, each setting up or helping with something different. There were about 45 tables, and about three times as many chairs. There were flowers in various shapes, colors, and sizes. Some students had made pictures of Cat Noir and Ladybug saving them in their akumatized forms, and the others just drew some fan-art.

Marinette helped Ms. Bustier put up the banner, and quickly returned to her table of macarons. The macarons weren't only green, red, and black, but also yellow and orange, for Kitsune and Hornet.

Suddenly, Luka appeared out of nowhere and walked over to Marinette.

Marinette noticed him and hoped nobody noticed the light blush creeping onto her face. "H-Hi, Luka," she stammered as Luka neared her. "Hey Marinette, can I talk to you for a moment?" Luka asked quietly, as to not attract any attention. "Sure!" Marinette smiled.

Marinette followed Luka behind the school.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about, Luka?" Marinette asked.

Luka sighed. "I don't know how to say this, but here goes nothing,"

"Marinette, I know that I've told you this, but I'm still in love with you. I don't care if you're still in love with Adrien, but I just need you to know. I will always-"


Marinette smiled. "I love you too, Luka. I fell out of love with Adrien a while ago, and fell in love with you."

Luka smiled back. "So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! Of course!" Marinette said.

"Marinette, can you help m-"

Lila had appeared out of nowhere, tangled in some fairy lights, when she saw Marinette and Luka together.

"Actually I can do this myself bye-" Lila said quickly as she turned away, trying not to interupt the new couple.

"Lila, wait!" Marinette yelped as Lila ran back to the courtyard. "Bye, Luka!" she managed to say before racing after the brunette.

Marinette ran into Alya, and Lila pretended to be afraid of her. "Alya, I saw some more graffiti, and then Marinette started chasing me! She probably did it, and wants to hurt me for catching on to her!"

Alya glared coldly at Marinette. "When will you learn, Mari?"

Alya pushed Marinette, causing her to fall over. "You are such a burnout, you always ruin everyone else's fun. Can't you just let us be?"

Chloe joined in and sent an apologetic glance at Marinette, and started insulting Marinette as well. "You need to find a better sense of everything. Style, humor, everything. Just go away! Remember, you're supposed to be our 'everyday Ladybug'! YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE HER!" Chloe yelled.

Marinette ran away, appearing to be crying.

She was really laughing.

Marinette looked at her phone, and saw that the party was in an hour.

It's showtime.


Word Count: 572


it's short


you guys are awesome

i've been writing this all day and couldn't figure everything out, so sadly it's short.

Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon/morning/12 am!


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