Chapter Three: And They Discussed It...

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"About time, we've been waiting for a while, Mari," Chloe smiled. Marinette walked over to the table in her room and set the macarons down. "Sorry to keep you guys waiting, Chlo, but the walk home is longer when you don't have a personal limousine."

Chloe shrugged. "You'll get one eventually."

Marinette sat down near Luka, who was tuning his guitar. Kagami was sitting next to him, and staring at the macarons intently. Lila grabbed an orange one and ate it. "Your macarons are THE BEST, Mari." Marinette smiled. "Thanks, Lila, but that's not the reason that we're here. It's time to enact phase one of our plan."

Everyone nodded and Marinette pulled down a screen from her ceiling and picked up a stick from nearby. She pointed at the screen. "So this," Marinette said, "Is the plan. Lila will gain everyone's trust by lying excessively. Which she has already done." Lila smiled. "What can I say, everyone in class is really gullible. I mean, have they ever heard of Google?"

Everyone laughed. Luka nodded. Marinette could tell he was still upset about Juleka siding with the rest of her class, and Marinette knew that she and Rose were having second thoughts about everyone else's behavior, so when they started the plan, they would spare Juleka and Rose the punishment of their actions, and it didn't really matter that they spared two people, because everyone else was way more of a jerk than they were combined.

Marinette continued. "Step 2, we start dropping hints that vengeance is coming. We make everyone think that it's me getting revenge on Chloe and Lila, but really we're all getting revenge on them all."

Kagami smiled. "They will pay for the pain they have caused my friends."

Luka still looked kind of sad about this, so Marinette added, "However, we're going to spare Sabrina, Rose and Juleka. We're sparing Sabrina because she's been helping us all this time by acting like Chloe's slave."

Luka smiled, and that was good enough for Marinette so she started explaining step three.

"And step 3 is the hardest step. On the day of the celebration of Ladybug and Cat Noir, we enact our revenge. After some convincing, Ladybug herself agreed to not get in the way of our plan. In fact," Marinette said sneakily as she took four small black boxes out of her bag. "She decided to help us." Chloe's eyes widened as she recognized the distinct red pattern on top.

"You- You really got those? How?!" Chloe gasped.

Marinette smiled. "I have my ways..."

She passed on into each person's hands and said, "Luka Couffaine, Chloe Bourgeois, Lila Rossi, and Kagami Tsurugi, these are the Miraculous of the Snake, Bee, Fox, and Dragon. You will use them for the greater good and keep them until Ladybug needs them back."

"Wait, wait, wait. What happened to Ladybug hating me? Or Chloe not being allowed to wear the Bee Miraculous?" Lila asked with a confused look on her face.

Marinette smiled. Usually, she wouldn't do this, but she would do it just this one time.

"Well... about that..." she said, and then said cheerfully, "Tikki, SPOTS ON!"

The pink light surrounded her once more and she transformed into Ladybug.

Everyone stared at her in shock. Suddenly, Kagami spoke. "You're Ladybug!?" she gasped, displaying much more emotion than she normally would.

Chloe looked slightly less shocked. "Honestly that explains a lot. Why you always disappear whenever there's an akuma, why we've never seen you two in the same room, why you and Ladybug always know a lot about each other even though you never seem to interact... need I go on?" she said, counting the reasons on her left hand whilst admiring her nail polish, which was a nice, bright shade of yellow with black stripes going diagonally.

"Tikki, spots off," Marinette said as she picked up the stick again. "Lila will create an illusion of Ladybug, and Chloe will paralyze Chat Noir as Kagami and Luka pretend to kidnap 'Ladybug' while transformed into Ryuko and Viperion. We'll all be disguised as akumatized villains who are attacking. And now," she paused. "The hard part."

"For this to work, Chloe, Lila, and I will need to get akumatized." 


Word Count: 700

:O It's getting interesting! 

Prepare for more suspense-ish things.

i'm so evil.

Have a great day/night/evening/1 am (it's 12:43 on the day I published chapter two I'm pre-preparing this chapter hehe)

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