Chapter 1

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ATTENTION: the first like 2 chapters seem very boring. Bare with me. These are very important chapters! Keep reading even if you're not hooked. I promise you, you will be obsessed. Be prepared. This is a very hooking story.

"Liliana! You almost ready?" I hear my mothers voice echo through our grand staircase.

"One more second Mother!" I say while I do the finishing touches to my wavy blonde hair. Today's one of the most important days of my life.

As soon as I reach the top of stairs I know my mother will have something to say about my outfit. I'm wearing baggy Khakis and a white Blouse. I almost never wear any tight or low cut shirts, it's too revealing. Today's also the first time I've ever worn any make-up and its only because Raina convinced me. I don't know if it looks good but I don't care, no one pays attention to me anyways. No guys ever look at me and think anything. The closest I've ever gotten to a boyfriend was in 7th grade. His name was Benny Taylor, he picked his nose and wore suspenders. We didn't even kiss either, so that means that I still haven't had my first kiss and I'm about to graduate from High School.

As I make my way down the stairs I feel the butterflies in my stomach. Its actually happening. The moment I've been waiting for for 12 years is actually happening. Before I even make it down the stairs Raina (my best friend and my only friend) Already starts critiquing my make-up.

"Lili, come with me. I need to fix your make-up" she laughs while she pulls me back into my bathroom. I sit on the stool while she wipes off everything I just spent 30 minutes on.

"So, are you excited for today?" Raina says excitedly.

"eh.. I guess." I'm not all too excited to graduate, I'm more excited to get away from all these people.

"Before we know it we'll be in Oregon State University sharing an Apartment together!"

"Yeah, I cant believe its already here. I feel like just yesterday we were in 3rd grade"

After about 10 minutes of fixing my face with make-up Raina calls out to my mom-

"Alright! We're ready to go!"

Raina is always so peppy and excited about everything.I don't know why shes friends with me because I'm the total opposite.

As we walk to the car my mom compliments how good I look with all the makeup on.

In the car I think about the next step in my life. I probably wont ever see most of my classmates ever again and I do not give a damn.

* * *

After sitting through hours of names and bullshit i can now consider myself a High School Graduate. I can have a fresh start at college with my best friend with me. Shes all I need. I probably took a picture with every person in this damn building because of my mom. Here's to another summer, just like any other. Boring as hell.

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