Chapter 20

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(a/n Can you believe it's already chapter 20?!)

My first day of work has ended in a okay note. I'm glad Harry decided to stick around. It just goes to show you how criminals can just be so normal and frequent looking. 

Harry walks over to me and puts his arm over my shoulders, "So!" He says loudly, "That was fun wasn't it!" 

I smile and shy away from his arm. He looks at me weird but smiles back. He already knows how awkward I am and I don't think he cares.

We walk out of Yogurt Castle and into his car. This time instead his smell, I smell cigarettes. I did not know he smoked cigarettes. I hope I'm mistaking it with another smell.

"Harry, do you smoke?"

"Yes" He proudly says. Why would someone be proud of that.

"That's gross." My confidence around him keeps building up. "You shouldn't do that"

He side glances me. "Last time I checked, you're not my mother."

I notice a slight attitude in his voice. This is absurd.

"I know that" I roll my eyes, "If you have a life you should treasure it, not fill it with chemicals that are deadly."

I put my hand to my head. I did the same exact thing I just told Harry not to do. He's going to say something about it. Next time, I need to think about what I say before I just say it. I've never had that problem before...

He fake laughs, "Okay hypocrite" His simple word hurts more than it should. I'm so dumb. "You just smoked Marijuana and that has a ton of chemicals that you don't know." He drives away in the dark night.

I can't help but think where he'll be sleeping tonight, even in this situation.

"I'm sorry" I put my hands up, "I am not used to the things I've been doing. I haven't ever drank until three weeks ago."

He looks over and chuckles. "You don't need to apologize, I'm just messing with you"

His messing sure isn't noticeable. He hid it from me.

I shake my head and try to think about something else to talk about. I don't really want to be in the awkward moment still.

"Um... So you should tell me more about that guy...?" My attempt in trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah... Well what do you want to know"

What do I want to know? I was just trying to change the subject.

There's a short pause before I speak up, "What's his name" Whats his name? Really? Shouldn't I ask where he lives or what his story is... But no I ask Whats his name?

Harry starts his sentence off with a laugh, "What's his name?" His eyes scan mine now.

"Uh yeah" I break eye contact with him. I don't want to have complete eye contact in this moment.

"His name is Travis..." He looks away with the what the fuck look. I understand thought. What I asked was pretty stupid.

"What has he done with the girls he's raped"

His hand flies up from the steering wheel, "That's the kind of questions you ask right now!" I show I agree but on the inside I know he's right.

"Well, from what I know, he hasn't killed any."

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