Chapter 35

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I slam my house door as hard as I can. I don't know why I'm even crying or simply mad. We're not dating. We're nothing. He only cares about me but that's a normal thing. I only care he's fucking someone because he said he like me and how he's been telling me everything, but the fact that he's fucking with Raina makes everything worse. She can go to hell she was even asking me about Harry earlier. She is longer living with me that's for sure. I have to get this bitch back. My feelings are hurt terribly. By Harry and Raina. Why would either of them do this to me. Both of them know my situation with my mother. I turn around and see Raina swing the door open. My first reaction is to run up to her and slap her in the face.

"What the fuck Lili?!?" How could she say that.

"What the FUCK ME?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!! Why did you have sex with him. You know for sure that I was seeing him. Even though he didn't like to admit that he knew he was. And you knew it too" I stare at her with complete hatred. Raina was my only friend for the most part. Niall is now my only friend.

"You guys aren't even dating calm the fuck down" she walks over to our refrigerator and starts looking for a snack. Seeing her, this selfless bitch, going through the refrigerator my family pays for makes me sick.

"Get out" I say with a shaky voice.

"Listen Lili, I came back to apologize but now I just realize that it's not like Harry would ever date you." I feel that crying lump in my throat. Again not going to let it out. "For gods sake he doesn't even call the people he hangs out with his friends. I always tried to sugar coat it but you are nothing to him. I sound like a bitch but you need to understand this. I thought you would on your own by now."

All I want to do is fucking push her the hell out of the door.

"You don't know shit. Get, the hell out of my apartment."

She starts to giggle, "oh so it's your apartment now?"

"It always has been Raina! If you haven't noticed you don't pay one fucking bill in this house. My parents do..." The image of Harry Between her legs is stuck in my head. I don't only hate Raina I hate Harry. With the image in my mind my words come out even shakier, "I said, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT!"

It startles Raina because she's never hear me yell like that before. I've never heard myself yell like that either. It sounds so foreign but good. Another thing that sounds so good is to see her in a card board box on the side of a high way.

She takes the gallon of milk in her hand, takes off the cap and slowly pours it all over the floor. She has no right to even do that. What the hell have I done in life to deserve this.

Raina walks out of the house and leaves. Thank god.

My mother dying of cancer, Harry being the rudest person and most annoying person I've ever met, and a shit head also known as my 'best friend' betrays me and fucks who I've talked in a way. I really fucking hate my life. I didn't have any drama in high school cause I only had one friend and didn't go to any parties or any meet ups with a bunch of people just stayed at home. Now I start hanging out with people my life is ruined. Going to college has been the worst decision in my life so far. I can't believe I'm saying that. Meeting Harry was the worst thing that's happened to me. I just want to leave everything and go away. I regret going away to college because now I've missed all this time with my mother. Harry was with me when we went down to see my parents. Harry was with me when I found out my mom was in a coma and Harry was with me when I found out she had one week left. He's been so caring for me and he's been my safety blanket for a month but I guess I'm not good enough for him. I bluntly hate him. Nothing can change that now. He chose Raina. I know she didn't choose him. He did that just to hurt me. I don't even know why. He's done it before but this, this is just sick.

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