Chapter 33

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I expected Harry to run away like usual
again, but I sure as hell didn't expect him to
come back in and kiss me. It's the next
morning and a lot of it's blurred. I can't
remember much but I remember what he was
saying about his past, and the passion in the
voice, the desperation of wanting to just finally
tell someone for the first time. In a way I really
wish I wasn't drunk but if I wasn't he wouldn't
have came over.

Right now I'm waiting in my first period
class. The class where Harry sits right next to
me. It feel like forever since I've been in a class.
I'm kind of happy to finally be back. I don't
even mind if Harry has to sit next to me.
Hughes starts walking up to me.

"Hey Lili how ya doin? Haven't seen you in forever"

"Well.. A lot of stuff has happened. My mom-"

I stop in the middle of my sentence and see
Harry stroll in and effortlessly sit in a empty
desk where no one sits. Not next to me...

"Uh.. My mom was in a comma and just, a lot

of relationship problems" I say the last part
loud enough for Harry to hear.

He rolls his eyes and looks away.

"I'm sorry to hear that! I'm glad you came
today. I would've understood if you didn't." He
turns around to take in the full classroom,
realizing Harry isn't in his assigned seat.

"Excuse me, Harry but that's not your seat. Go
back. We're not in High School... Guys. Grow
the fook up please" he says while walking away
from my desk.

"This is my assigned seat"

Hughes turns around, "No it's not, you need
your, lovely and beautiful partner for the
project." He smiles at me.

Oh my god. I hope Harry doesn't speak up.

"I can't work with her anymore. She holds me
back" I can tell in the way his mouth moves he
hates what he's saying but he says it anyways.

In a way, I'm completely embarrassed.

"Okay, well than would anyone be willing to
switch partners and work with Harry? And the
other partner work with Lili?"

A kid named Trevor raises his hand, "I'll work
with Lili" I see Harry's eyes widen. I don't
know what for.

Trevor's partner Emma speaks up, "I am NOT
working with Harry. Im sorry but hell no"

Hughes look at Harry and smiles, "Go back to
your seat, now thank you. I have a class to
teach.. And you have a packet to do."

Harry looks over at me with complete hatred,
and swallows hard.

God he is so sexy. Even when he looks scary as
hell but damn.

"I said I can't work with her." He says and
everyone turns around. The tone in his voice
changed and the soul of his words were gone. It
was like talking to the devil. No one was
expecting that, even from him.

"Harry, just c'mon" I don't like scenes.

Especially on me.

"I said NO!" He storms out of the classroom
and flicks off Hughes.

"Alrighty then... Problem solved. Sorry Lili I
guess you don't have a partner today."

Everyone looks at me. I panicked and quickly
nodded my head looking around. Attention
isn't my favorite thing at all.

"Today I'll be teaching you some weird ass
formula to be able to measure speeds. Pay
attention closely. This stuff is super hard"


Class for the day is over, and now I have
work. Yogurt mountain. I've had one day there
or maybe 2. I don't remember. I told my boss
that I wouldn't be able to come to work for a
little because of my mother and she totally understood.

Almost all day I have been thinking of Harry. I know he wants me, hell he knows he wants me but something happened 6 years ago that causes such hatred towards relationship. He would've been 12 or 13 6 years ago. Maybe he dated someone. I don't have a freakin clue.


Work at Yogurt Mountain was just as
normal. I grab my back and walk out of the
store. The first thing I see is Harry's car. I stop
walking and stare at it with wide eyes.

Why is he here?

A pit in my stomach grows as he gets out of his

"Harry, what are you-" he cuts me off.

"What the actual FUCK Lili?"

"Wait what?"

"Have you been getting with that Trevor dude?
He seemed pretty excited to ask to be your new
fucking partner!"

"Uh... I've never talked to him ever... I thought
you were gonna stay away from me" I walk past
him towards my car but he follows me.

"I am. I am but I just..." I guess he doesn't
know what to say.

"Just what Harry" I say as I unlock my car.

"I-I just care, about you" he looks down and
slaps his hand to his forehead, rubbing it.

I put my hand on his arm, "that's nothing to be
ashamed of. I care about you. Even though you
can be such a dick sometimes, I still do."

"Yeah well the last time I fuckin' cared about
someone they didn't last long" he looks straight
at me with huge eyes, realizing what he just

"Harry, just tell me"

"Hell to the fuckin' no!" He walks away leaving
my arm fall.

Harry is the weirdest man child I've ever met.
He is a man but acts like a child when it comes
to his secrets. Every time he gives me a clue I
just want to know more and more. Eventually
he'll tell me. Hopefully.

***a/n Tomorrow there will be an update for
sure! Cause I'm going to write the chapter now
and upload it tomorrow! Be prepared. It's
gonna be a big one.

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