Chapter 34

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Today Raina and I were invited to a frat party. It's at Harry's frat house so most likely we will see him. I don't really get nervous any more. I feel that he is the one that is nervous now.

To rub it in his face I'm going to wear something so revealing just so Harry gets annoyed. He is so protective of me even though we're nothing... Besides friends and sort of benefits. I'm wearing a read crop top which really isn't a crop top to be honest it start at the top of my bra shell and ends at the end of my boobs, but they like to call it a crop top. My shorts are black with some silver studs on the but pocket part. Of course these aren't my clothes. I wouldn't spend $20 on a crop top that probably costed 25 cents to make. I think I'll make Harry look twice. I hope so. If I catch him doing that I'm going to dance a little harder and just look like I'm having so much fun when really I'm ready to get the hell out. That's how it is usually.

I walk out of Raina's room to show her my outfit I put together.

"Is it good?"

Raina does a double take, that means for sure Harry will. I care way to much about what he thinks.

"Holy shit you look hot" she rakes up and down my body. "You know what you need? A belly button piercing! You have the perfect body that'll just attract more attention!"

Getting a belly button piercing just doesn't sound very fun. Just the thought of having something poke a hole right there doesn't sound comfortable, but it looks good.

"Well I guess. Does it hurt?" I know she has one.

"Not really. It's fun 'cause it's just funny. The faces people make when they're getting pierced." She laughs probably at the thought of watching someone get there belly button pierced. That means it hurts.

"Well we couldn't go right now.."

"You don't need to go anywhere"

"I'm not letting you do it. I'm sorry but you've never done it." I'm not letting some 18 year old girl do freakin surgery on me. Yeah it's not surgery but not something you mess around with. I could get an infection!

"I forgot to tell you! I work at the tattoo parlor shop. I do piercing. Not tattoos. Still learning how to do that" she smiles.

"Wait, you know how to do it? That's your job?"

"Yeah. I can't believe I forgot to tell you."

"Oh... I guess you could do it to me now. Just don't mess up seriously."

"I won't! Lili if I mess up I'll give you $100"


I decided to go with a small silver stud at first. I could choose from pink or silver but since this is more for this outfit I decided to match the studs with the belly ring.

The process didn't even hurt that bad like she said, and she didn't mess up. I'm glad nothing went wrong.

"It looks so good on you." She stares at the ring. "All the guys will be all over you! Oh especially Harry. Are you guys dating yet?"

Oh god. There's just so much to say it would take a year to finish the story.

"It's uh... Complicated. I thought we were then he was like no but I like you but I don't." I roll my eyes and fluster my words terribly. Why am I like this.

I look up at Raina. She's smiling. "That's so cute! You guys will. You're all his! And he's all yours. You will end up dating."

I feel my cell phone buzz in my hand. It's my dad. I'm scared to answer. I don't want to hear any bad news about my mom.

"Hello dad" I say into the phone.

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