Chapter 41

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"Bye dad, love you" I give my dad a hug and walk out of his house holding Harry's hand.

"Bye sweetheart. You two have a safe trip home. Call often!" I nod and continue down the patio.

My dad managed to try and look normal as possible when Harry and I paid a visit. It's been 2 days since my mothers passing. It feels like one year ago. I hate how painstakingly slow time is when you're at your worst, but then when you're at your best, time doesn't exist. I wish it would be the opposite.

Harry and I aren't dating, we just have been doing coupley things the last 2 days. Like hold hands, say I love you constantly, smile all the time, ect. The normal boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. I don't know if I could date Harry, but I love him. If I date Harry then it's something that would restrict me from a lot of things. Also Harry is still very different.

What he told me 2 nights ago has made him so much happier. He hasn't told anyone about him and his fathers car crash unless you already knew. He didn't tell anyone about how he felt towards relationships and even himself. It's heartbreaking to know what has been bringing him down, but so exciting to know he's not simply a fuck up.

Harry hasn't stopped smiling since then.

"I'll see you when we get up there?" Since he came down in his own car and I came in mine, we have to drive separately. The first time in 3 days we haven't been around each other.

"Yeah" I smile back at his cheeky smile. So beautiful.

We stare for just a little longer before he breaks the silence. "Lili, will you be my girlfriend" he looks around my entire face looking for every emotion.

I was just thinking how I wasn't sure if I would, but after hearing him say 'my girlfriend' has done something to me.

"Yes" I smile.

"I love you" he mumbles and reaches in for a kiss, placing his hands on my cheeks.

~4 years later~

Today is the day my father died three year ago, January 18. He died from extreme stress and eventually ran his blood sugar up the fucking roof.

I finish my bouncy curls with a little bit of hair spray. Harry walks behind me placing his large hands around my waste.

"What are you doing today babe"

Harry and I are still dating, believe it or not. We have barely fought in the longest time, and we even went to visit his family. Their faces when they saw him for the first time in 3 years was priceless. I would do anything to see their faces again. Mrs. Anne has told me that she could be my mother if she ever needed one. I have definitely used her invitation.

Having no parents is the worst thing in the world. It feels like I have no family outside of Harry's and I. Going to college seemed to be the worst years of my life.

I sigh, "going to work." Being an accountant has its ups and downs. Mostly ups. Harry also stuck to his degree and is also an accountant. If it wasn't for Harry I would've quit school. I almost did, when my dad past away I didn't have anymore motivation what so ever.

"Aw man, I was hoping you were just getting ready for me to bend you over" he smiles bringing in his bottom lip, squeezing my ass through the tight dress I'm wearing.

Harry took my virginity. I couldn't have asked for a better person to take it.

We moved to New York for better job opportunities. We ended up making $80,000 a year! That's unheard of when it comes to being an accountant. We actually have money. If it wasn't for the both of us we both wouldn't be where we are.

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