Chapter 12

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I put the finishing touches of my makeup on for my parents. They'll be surprised to see me have makeup on. I would never wear it at home. I hope they're okay, it's so weird of them to want to come over randomly. They own a hospital and barely get any days off, and usually their only day off is on a Sunday... but today's a Thursday. I hope i'm just over thinking it, which I probably am. They just miss me.

Raina is in the kitchen making some quesadillas for when my parents arrive. I haven't seen Raina much recently because shes been staying with Louis a lot. We text like once a day and compared to the years before we aren't even texting at all. So I've pretty much been living at this apartment alone. She used to say how much fun it was going it be living together in the same apartment, going to the same college. I'm starting to think it would've been better if I just got my own apartment with a roommate Ive never met. It would probably be easier to make friends since you don't know anyone so you don't stick with the one person you know.

I hear a knock at my door and I run to go answer it.

"Lili!" My mom squeals . She looks pale.

"Hi, Mom!" She pulls me into an embrace and hold me there for a while. Of course I don't pull away.

After about 20 seconds she hands me over to my dad to give him a hug.

"You look beautiful" He whispers. I just smile.

"Raina has made some quesadillas, lets go eat them before they get cold."

We walk into the kitchen to find the table already set and food on the plates. Raina smiles at me when I walk out. I just smile back. It feels like we just met and were just friends. We all take our seats and begin eating.

"Wow, Raina this is really great" My dad compliments and my mom chips in, "Yes Raina this is really good, maybe I should come here more!" She smiles but looks down really fast almost like she realized something. I hope she doesn't think shes not welcome.

"Please come whenever you want" I say hoping to rid her facial expression from before.

She just looks up without even a smile.

"Raina thank you for the dinner honey. I don't mean to be rude but I have to talk to Lili." My dad looks away and Raina gives her a reassuring look. I'm very confused. Its like everyone knows whats happening but me.

"Lets go to your room, Lili" She says.

"Okay" I quickly say.

When we walk into my room she sits on the bed, patting the space next to her, signaling me to sit there.

She takes a shaky breath in and out a few times.

"Mom... What's wrong?" I look back and forth at both of her eyes trying to figure out whats happening.

"This... Is the hardest thing I've ever had to tell you, Lili. God I'm so sorry"

"It's ok, mom. Tell me" Even though I say tell me I'm not sure if I actually want to know. I look down and notice her hands are shaking badly. I put mine over at hers earning a smile from her. My heart is actually beating really fast. I have no clue what shes about to tell me.

"I have cancer" All the blood in my face drains, leaving me as pale as her.

My eyes become watery and not able to hold in the tears they spill out. When she notices them she looks away from me.

"I'm sorry, Lili" She says.

"No mom don't be sorry. This isn't your fault." I try and reassure her.

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