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A/N: Second Chapter is up!

A few hours later you were getting ready to go to the fair.

Your outfit:

While waiting for Regie to arrive to pick me up, I decided to stalk his tik tok

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While waiting for Regie to arrive to pick me up, I decided to stalk his tik tok. I can't help admiring his perfect smile and the way he's effortlessly flawless. He can easily fit in in a crowd but, at the same time, he stands out in a way no one else can. I watched him have failed relationships, meaningless hookups, and not once has he ever noticed that I was right here waiting for him.

"Get yo stupid ass out here, I'm waiting," He texted.

I quickly grabbed my side bag, stuffing some cash and my phone in there. Walking up to the car, I noticed Ryan and Darren riding with him. I hopped into the passenger seat, greeting the boys.

"Dar, I haven't seen you in forever, gimme some sugar" I threw my upper body to the backseat giving Darren a hug.

"I missed you, simp," Darren replied, returning my hug.

"Asian gummy, how's it hanging back there with Dar?" I asked Ryan knowing Darren had already started making him uncomfortable.

"Kill me now," Ryan answered in an unamused tone.

"If only you gave me half of the attention you give them," Regie inputted.

"Who are you?" I joked, making him roll his eyes.

"Fuck you," He replied.

"Ari, sure," I shot back, making him smirk.

The entire ride to the fair was filled with our bickering and Darren shamelessly flirting with Ryan. When we got to our destination, we hopped out of the car, bought our tickets, and headed inside to wait for the other guys. We greeted each other when they got there then headed for some of the rides. In the evening, Regie and I headed to ride the Ferris wheel. At the top, to the Ferris wheel, I looked out, admiring the view.

"Look at how gorgeous the view is," I said to Regie, staring out at the sky

"Yeah, it is," he replied.

When I turned my head back to him, I noticed him staring at me with a fond smile on his face. A blush crossed my cheeks and, I dipped my head to avoid his gaze. He placed a hand under my chin, lifting my face. He stared into my eyes and, I swore I saw him leaning in. As his lips hovered over mine, the ride came to a halt. He swiftly pulled away, clearing his throat.

"Uh, we should go," he mumbled, heading to the exit.

Regie, Ryan and Darren, and I pooled into the car and headed home. Regie dropped me off first, then he and the guys headed home. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. To say that the car ride was awkward may be an understatement. 

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