12- Truth or Dare (smut warning)

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Outfit of the day:

Outfit of the day:

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The next morning. I woke up to my phone ringing. I rolled over to grab my phone from the nightstand to see Alessia calling.

"This better be good," I groaned into the phone, still half asleep.

"So, I slept over at NSB, and I, unfortunately, don't have my car. and Oli had to take care of some stuff, so how about you be the greatest bestie in the world and bring me some clothes. Maybe we can spend the day with the guys? They're not filming today. Miya said she's free too," Ale rapidly said.

"I don't have anything interesting to do, so I guess. I'll see you in an hour," I replied. We bid our goodbyes, and I hopped into the shower then got ready.

Miya and I decided to drive separately because she'll probably leave before us. I pulled up to the house to see that everyone was there. I greeted all of them and handed Alessia the bag with her outfit. We all spent the day chilling and goofing around. Later in the evening, Darren wanted to play truth or dare, so we all gathered around in a circle, a bottle in the middle. Regie first spun the bottle, and it landed on Justin. He chose dare.

"Dare you to kiss Miya," Regie said. We all cheered as we saw both of them blush. Justin walked over to Miya, placed his hands on her hips, and gently kissed her. They both pulled away, flush. Justin next spins the bottle, which lands on Alessia. She opted for the truth.

"What's going on between you and Oli?" he asked.

"We're just friends with benefits," she replied. I couldn't help but notice the hurt look that crossed Oli's face. The game went on for a few rounds. Kane had to jump in the pool with all his clothes on. Seb had to take an embarrassing selfie and post it as his Instagram profile picture then he had to tell us how many people he kissed within the past month. Darren had to call his crush and say, "you're ugly," so he called Ryan before the bottle stopped on Regie.

"Dare you to play 30 minutes in heaven with Y/n," Alessia said.

"What? No. This isn't even my dare, and the game is 7 minutes, not 30," I protested.

"The games are what I say it is, and I want you guys to do it, so go before I drag you there myself," he replied. I gave up, knowing there's no way I'm getting out of this.

I was hoping I would never be in this predicament because my mind is blank whenever I'm around him. Now, getting locked in the same room as him? I might as well just stand in front of a moving vehicle.

Oli locked both of us in a small closet after turning off the light. I took a seat on the ground, and Regie joined me, sitting next to me, our sides touching with how small the closet is.

"Well, this isn't awkward," I muttered.

"I so wanna get out of here. I'm hungry," he spoke. I placed my head on his shoulder already, feeling tired. Might as well get a 30 minutes nap while I'm here, but Regie had other plans. He intertwined our fingers, and I felt my hands starting to sweat, my cheeks becoming flush.

"What're you doing?" I questioned, trying to sound unaffected.

"Holding your hand? What does it look like I'm doing?" he asked as if this is totally normal. Choosing to ignore my racing heart, I closed my eyes hoping to get a few minutes of nap time.

"Hey, y/n, I'm really sorry about the way things ended. This is all just so fucked up," he muttered in a soft voice.

"It's fine. Shit happens, plus we're better off as friends," I lied.

"Yeah, friends," he replied in a disappointed tone.

(smut warning)

We went silent for a few seconds before I heard him muttering "fuck it" under his breath before his lips crashed into mine. I was caught off-guard for a second before I started kissing him back. When my head was no longer clouded, I pulled back.

"What are we doing, Reg?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

"Just one more time, please," his voice sounded strained.

I contemplated it for a second before deciding there's no harm. I responded to him by crashing my lips to his. I straddled him and started grinding my pelvis into his. When he was rock hard, I moved my hand down and fumbled with his belt, removing it, then undoing his button and zipper. His hands worked my jeans until it was loose, and I stood up and pushed them off before he pushed them down his legs.

I once again straddled him, then took his dick in my hand, placing it at my entrance. Slowly, I sunk down on him. A moment passed before I started riding him. His hands were on my hips, helping me bounce while his mouth lather kisses everywhere he could get to. He then took his thumb and started rubbing my clit. I came while he captured my lips with his, swallowing my moan. Not long after he, he came.

I got off him and we cleaned up ourselves which was a little bit uncomfortable since we were in the dark. No words passed between us as we were both lost in our heads. Right after I adjusted my top, a knock came from outside the door.

"I'm opening the door, please be decent," Oli said. He pulled open the door, and Reg and I walked out, both of us flush. We went and took our seats right before Darren pulled my hair to the side.

"Is that a hickey?" He questioned. All eyes turned to me, and I saw Regie's widen. I mentally punched Regie for leaving a hickey on me.

"I- uh," I stammered, not knowing how to answer him.

"Guys, let's just get back to the game," Regie spoke, saving me from further embarrassment. I saw Seb chuckle and collected $20 from Ryan. Regie noticed it too.

"Did yall seriously bet on us?" he asked.

"Yes," Seb replied without missing a beat. Reg rolled his eyes and nodded to the bottle, indicating for someone to spin it. Darren spun the bottle, and unfortunately, it stopped on me.

"What did you guys do in there?" he asked.

"Umm, we uh," I once again stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Leave her alone. Is it some sort of rule that says we're sworn to secrecy?" Reg once again rescued me from embarrassment. Noticing it was getting late, the girls and I decided to leave. We bid our goodbyes to the guys and headed to our homes.

I was a fool for thinking that the girls would not ask questions. Later that night, they face timed me with a thousand questions, but I told them I was tired and wed talk later.

My phone pinged with a text from Regie.

"I'm at ur door. Can u come open up, plz?" it read

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