19- Back to LA [Smut Warning]

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Outfit of the day:

The next day I woke up in Regie's arms

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The next day I woke up in Regie's arms. He went back home to get ready to go back to LA.

It was time for both of us to head back to LA, so we decided on riding together. Considering he flew here he opted for driving back with me instead of flying. He placed all of our bags in the trunk, and it was time for us to say goodbye.

Regie pulled his family in a group hug as they all said goodbye, and I did the same with my family. Aiden started crying, so I picked him up and hugged him tightly.

"I have to go back to school, baby. I'll be back whenever I can, and I'll talk to you on the phone every day," I told him softly.

"Pinky promise?" He asked me in his little voice, holding out his pinkie finger. I quickly connected my finger with his before we brought our hands up to our lips and kissed them. I placed kisses all over his face before putting him back on the ground. He ran over to dad and jumped into his arms.

My mom next pulled me into a hug.

"I don't know what's going on with you and Regie, but I can tell you're more than friends. I see the way you look at him, it's the same way I look at your dad. He doesn't look at you the same way as yet, but I can tell he's getting there. If he's not the one, then be strong enough to let go but if he is, lock him down," she whispered so that only I would hear what she was saying before pulling away. I nodded my head, and Regie and I hopped into the car and left.

Our ride consisted of us jamming out to music, acting as if we're the artist, flirting, banter all while his hand remained on my leg. About an hour into the drive, I got hungry so we pulled over to a small local diner. We entered the diner, and we had a waitress about our age. She's quite gorgeous, but unfortunately, she had no issue shamelessly checking out Regie.

She handed us the menus, and her hand lingers on Regie's for a minute too long. Her eyes were glued to him. It was only when I cleared my throat she realized what she was meant to do.

"Hello, my name is Bianca, and I'll be your waitress. Can I get you anything to drink?" she spoke, all while staring at Regie like he's a piece of meat.

He is, but he's mine.

I asked for water, and so did Reg.

"Any ideas on what you want?" he asked.

"You mean besides you?" I questioned with a smirk. He was about to reply, but the little miss waitress over here decided to make an appearance.

"Here is your guys' water. Have you decided on what you wanna get, or should I come back?" she asked. Reg asked if I was ready to order, and when I confirmed, we both told her what we wanted. She left but not before swiping her hand across Regie's when she collected the menus.

Dammit, woman, what's with all the touching my man?

Regie and I chatted all while we waited for our food. After a while, Bianca finally brought our food.

"I don't usual-"

"Oh my god, babe. I think I misplaced the engagement ring that you got me," I say cutting her off from whatever she was about to say.

"Engagement ring?" Regie mumbled, confused.

"Yeah, I think I dropped it last night when we-uh," I gave a fake giggle, quickly lifting my eyes to her before lowering my head, feigning shyness.

"Oh, I saw it tangled in your clothes this morning when I was picking up our stuff. It's in the car," Regie said, finally catching on.

Bianca turned a little red, probably from embarrassment. She quickly told us to call for her if we needed anything before scuttling away.

"Did I mention you're hot when you're jealous, fiance?" Regie stated, a devious smirk playing on his lips.

"First off, it's called possessive, not jealous. This is all your fault I'm this way," I declared, glaring at him.

"How is your "possessiveness" my fault?" he asked, air quoting possessiveness.

"You're way too hot for your own good. These women could be psychopathic kidnappers trying to get a piece of you. I'm basically helping you here. Be grateful, bih," I said, playfully glaring at him.

"Ohh. I'm quite thankful for your service ma'am," he uttered sarcastically.

Our joking and banter continued throughout the meal. Not long after, we finished eating. We made our way back to the car with me driving this time.

"So, how good are you at staying focused when driving?" Regie asked, about 10 minutes into the ride.

"I don't know. I think I'm pretty good," I responded.


"Wanna bet?" he asked, his hand on my tight, slowly moving up under my skirt.

My eyes widen as I gulped. I mumbled an "mhmm" as I tried to remain in control.

His fingers brush against my thong, not touching my clit. He pulled back his hand and squeezed my thigh, his knuckles grazed my pussy.

"Don't fucking tease me," I gritted out. A devious smirk fell in place on his lips.

"Okay," with that he pulled my thong to the side and applied pressure to my clit. A moan escaped my lips while I struggled to keep my eyes open. He retracted his hand before slipping his index, and middle fingers into his mouth. He pulled it out then inserted it into my slit. My hands gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles were white. I started grinding on his finger, trying to get a release. As I am about to cum he pulled out his fingers and plopped them in his mouth.

"Mmmm," he groaned out.

"Reginald!" I was getting frustrated.

I noticed we were in a lonely area, so I pulled the car into the grass area and parked. My hand reached over to his side, and I popped his pants button and zipper.

"Move back the seat and take your son out," I demanded.

"Yeah, I don't want to," he said, mockingly.

"Listen to me, you little bitch, I'm gonna fuck you, and it'll be the greatest car sex you've ever had, so move your seat back," I gritted out, frustrated.

He finally listened. He moved the seat back and reclined it putting his hands behind his head. He pushed his pants down to his knees, waiting for my next move. I reached over and grabbed his cock and stroked it. I leaned my upper body over until my mouth was hovering Regie junior. I spit on it before rubbing my saliva over his length. Wanting to at least get a taste of him, I plopped the head in my mouth, moaning at his taste. He grabbed my hair, pulling my head up.

"Get over here now," he demanded. I moved over to straddle him, hovering over his dick that's standing attention. I lowered myself on him, both of us moaning at the sensation.

"Now, what made u think it would be a good idea to tease me like that?" I asked, not moving.

"What're you gonna do about it?" he questioned, lust evident in his voice and eyes.

I smirked and placed my right hand around his neck, applying pressure. I lifted myself up and came down hard. I rode him into oblivion all while my hand stayed in place around his neck and his hands on my waist, helping me move. We both climaxed, and I got off of him and moved back to the driver's side. I grabbed a few tissues and cleaned up while he did the same.

After we finished, I pulled out of the corner, and we were soon back on the road.

"You should take control like that more often. It was hot as fuck," he stated, looking at me.

"Shut up," I said, getting flustered.


A/N: And chapter 19 is finally up. How do we like it so far?

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