27- So, are you looking for a third party? (p2) *Smut warning*

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"Mmm," I moaned as I felt a tongue lap over my pussy. I opened my eyes to see Regie's head between my legs. I was still trying to get back from dreamland when I felt someone stir beside me. I turned my head to see Kane peacefully sleeping, probably still exhausted from our earlier sexcade.

I shot a look to Regie, letting him see my intentions. He pulled away from me, and I knelt on the bed, next to Kane. I lapped my tongue from the base to the tip of his dick. His cock jumped to life as he stirred, still sleeping. Regie returned to eating me out as I pulled Kane's cock in my mouth.

Kane let out a breathy moan as he opened his eyes and found mine. His hand brushed the hair out of my face and pulled it back into a ponytail. Regie pushed a finger into me, and I moaned around Kane's cock.

Regie stood up and rubbed his cock from my clit to slit a few seconds before pushing in. I arched my back and let out a whimper, still sore from earlier, which made Kane's dick slip out from my mouth. He moved my mouth back on him, but with how rough Regie was fucking me, I had a hard time keeping up with both of them. Soon Kane was thrusting up into my mouth, using both hands to keep my head in place.

I came with a scream just as Kane finished in my mouth. His cock slipped out of my mouth, and I swallowed. Regie continued fucking me relentlessly, chasing his own release. He soon came in me. He pulled out and fell next to me on the bed.

"Well, this has been fun, but I'm gonna head to my room and clean up," Kane said as he got up and pulled on his clothes.

"Let's never speak of this again, shall we?" Regie murmured, pulling me into his side.

"Wasn't planning on it," with that, Kane walked out of the room.

Regie snuggled up to me, laying his head under my neck.

"Babe, I need to clean up too. I've got your cum dripping out of me."

"Good. Leave it there as a reminder of who you belong to," he said, still not letting go.

"Are you gonna kiss me even though Kane finished in my mouth?" I asked, batting my lashes.

"Ewww, get tf away from me," he pulled away, feigning disgust.

Laughing, I stood up, pulled on his t-shirt, and headed to the washroom to get cleaned up. When I stepped into the shower, Regie decided to join me. We both took really quick showers and took a nap.


A/N: welp folks, this is part 2. According to @roxxie823, it's details or it never happened. I mean, how can I consider myself a good person if I withheld the details from u guys? 

Anyway, I hope u guys enjoyed it! 

Btw, I do feel the need to mention, that I never really proofread after I finish writing, so I'm apologizing for every error/mistake u have ever encountered or will come across in the future. Do feel free to point them out though. It is appreciated. 

Sorta unrelated but not really: A few people wanted us to add Oli for a threesome. Do we want to add that to this book or do we want it in his book? 

And @nsoterry  gave a great suggestion, so look out for that update. Hopefully, next week bc I'll finish my finals on Saturday.

That's right, stars. I get to tell my University to go fuck itself for the rest of the summer. Yay me! 

Bye-bye now. Love ya!❤

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