13- Date 2

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A/N: Merry Christmas Eve, everyone.


I quickly hopped out of bed and went to the door. I opened the door to see him standing there in a white tee and grey sweats.

Ouuu, yummy.

I invited him in, and we took a seat on the couch. We sat in silence both lost in our heads. He looked worn out, which caused me to wonder why was he over this late?

"I- uh, I couldn't sleep," Regie broke the silence.

"Me neither," I replied, letting out a breath.

"What are we doing? We used to be the best of friends. How did this get so complicated?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"I don't know. I guess the years of sexual tension finally made an appearance," I replied, trying to convince myself I'm not in love with him.

"Now that we've gotten past that stage, maybe we can go back to being the way we used to? The best of friends. I miss you and the way we would just hang out and do bullshit," he softly spoke.

"Yeah. It's been pretty horrible without you around all the time," I replied honestly. I do miss him and the way we used to be because I figured out I had a crush on him, he was my best friend and the person I trusted more than anyone in my life.

After we talked everything out and decided that being best friends is what is best for us, we decided to watch a show. We opted for The Vampire Diaries. After completing a few episodes, my eyes started to close.

The next morning, I woke up still on the couch. My head was resting on Regie's chest, and his hand was around my shoulders. I admired him for a second before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

Outfit of the day:

After completing my makeup routine, I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast

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After completing my makeup routine, I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. I passed Regie still sleeping peacefully on the couch, he now moved to lie down. I decided that Eggs Benedict, waffles, chopped fruits, and coffee would do.

After placing everything on the table, I woke up Regie to eat. We took a seat at the table and dug in.

"What are your plans for the day?" He asked before taking a bite from his waffles.

"Gray and I are going on a date later, so I've got nothing to do until then," I answered. His face went blank at the mention of Grayson's name.

"You and I could hit up the mall before your date," he suggested, to which I agreed. After eating, I did the dishes while Regie went to take a shower. It's annoying whenever he comes over without a change of clothes and ends up wearing the ones I stole from him.

We finished up with whatever we were doing and headed to the mall. We hit up a few stores before we realized it was already 2 pm, so we went to grab some food.

"You and Grayson, huh? How's that going?" He asked, as well we're waiting for the waiter to bring our food.

"So far, it's good. We went on one date, it was fun," I replied, emitting the makeup sesh we had at his building detail.

"What're you blushing for?" Regie asked.

"Oh-uh, nothing," I replied flustered. Regie was well aware that I was lying, but he dropped the topic. We ate our lunches, did some more shopping before it was time for me to leave and get ready for my date.


Outfit for the date:

Gray picked me up directly at 5 pm and drove us to a park

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Gray picked me up directly at 5 pm and drove us to a park.

"What're we doing here?" I asked.

"We're having a picnic," he replied as he got out of the car and opened my door. He pulled out a picnic basket with a blanket from the backseat, which I did not notice earlier.

We spread the blanket on the ground and took out the food that I cannot wait to eat.

"Oh my god, is this Sine Qua Non?" I questioned, a little excited.

"Yeah," he responded with a small smile.

"Oh my god, I'm mentally freaking out. It ranks #2 on my all-time favorite wine list," excitement evident in my voice.

"What's the first?" He asked.

"Catena Zapata Adrianna Vineyard Fortuna Terrae Malbec 2016."

Conversation flowers from there. We talked about wine, our childhood, what we aspire to be, etc.

Later in the evening, we found ourselves in an arcade where he let me win most games. We shared a few pecks here and there. Before I knew it, he was dropping me back home.

I didn't want the night to end just yet, so I invited him in to watch a movie. He chose 'The Exorcist' claiming he wants us to experience the cliché moments where I seek "saving" from him when the scary parts show.

By the end of the movie, my head was buried so far in his chest, I was certain it would be stuck there. He took off the television, chuckling at me, refusing to move from my position.

"I should get going," he softly spoke, placing his hand on my back.

"But, I'll die if the little girl comes," I whimpered.

"It's getting late, and I'm tired, gorgeous. I still need to drive 30 minutes to get home," he said, chuckling.

"Or you could stay and protect me. I have an extra room," I suggested, still shook from the movie.

"Are you sure that's okay with you," he inquired.

"Positive," I lifted my head a little, meeting his eyes. He agreed, and we got ready for bed.

The second my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to the scent of food, I went to the kitchen to find Grayson, shirtless, making us both food. After a quick "good morning" to him, I went to get dressed for classes.

We ate and chatted a little bit. before it was time for him to leave so that he could take a shower and get dressed for his classes.

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