26- So, are you looking for a third party? *Smut Warning*

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*Two months later*

Outfit of the day:

"You know what would be fun?" I ask Regie who is currently playing with my hair as we lay on his bed, his head on my stomach

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"You know what would be fun?" I ask Regie who is currently playing with my hair as we lay on his bed, his head on my stomach.

"Ryan and Darren making a sex tape?"

I burst out laughing at the sheer image of what Ryan's face would look like if he heard Regie saying that.

"Not at all what I was going to say but we should pitch the idea to Darren," I replied, still laughing.

"What was your fun idea?" he asked looking up at me.

"Matching tattoos. We should get them," I replied.

"You- as in the girl that is scared shitless of needles wants to get a tattoo?" he asked, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Nah, I was referring to the chick from down the street that does heroin. Of course, me. I was thinking of getting a tattoo or two and the thought crossed my mind. Okay, maybe I was scrolling through Pinterest and saw couples with it and I wanted to do the same. But the same thing, right?"

"Okay, I'm down. Now, I can think of something that's a little more fun than getting tatted up," his voice is coated with lust and the innuendo doesn't go unnoticed.

"Mhmm, what?" I asked, feigning cluelessness.

He pulls himself to a sitting position before leaning down to kiss me. His tongue slips into my mouth as he moves to hover over me, keeping himself up on his forearms.

"Do you still wanna know what or do you need me to explicitly tell you that I wanna fuck you?" Regie asked as he nips at my earlobe.

"I need you to explicitly tell me."

"I want to kiss every perfect inch of your gorgeous body and fuck you senselessly until you are sore for days. I want you to feel my cock buried deep inside that perfect little cunt even when I'm not in you. Is that good enough or do I need to go into more details?" he replied in a low voice.

A shiver ran through me and I try to squeeze my legs together but he was currently between them.

"I think I'm good. Continue what you were doing," I replied breathlessly.

He dove in again, capturing my mouth with his. Our tongues entwined and moved together. Not long after he pulled away and started kissing down my neck. His hands roughly gripped my boob through the cloth and squeezed.

He moved down my body and pulled my shorts off in one smooth go. His hand came up and rubbed me through my panties which is soaked through and through.

"Fuck, you're wet, baby," he whispered before pulling them down my legs and connecting his mouth with my clit.

My hands move into his hair keeping him there as I shamelessly moaned his name while grinding against his face.

The door to his room suddenly opened and Kane, Oliver, Sebastian, and Ryan walked in which caused me to shriek and roll off the bed. Luckily away from their view.

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