24- Arrested?

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After what felt like forever, I finally got hold of my phone. Of course, there is a tiny chance my hand may be fractured with all the weird angles I bent them. I could hardly see who's number I was calling from the angle my hands were tied, but it was someone from my speed dial, meaning it could be my dad, Regie, or the pizza place I usually order from. Let's just hope it is not the last one.

"Hey, babe. I've been tryi-" Regie's voice bore through the phone.

"Hey, Regie. I can't really speak right now. Your bitchy ex-girlfriend kidnapped me, and now I'm tied to her basement in god knows where so yeah, wanna try to find me and play my knight in shining armor by rescuing me?" I spoke as quietly as possible, hoping he'd hear what I said even though I am not close to the speaker.

"Hold up, what?" he asked, stunned.

"Emma, the one from high school that spread her legs for anything with a dick. I'll give you the full deets later, just get here asap."

"I just pulled up your location. I'm coming, just try not to die or any of that good shit. Try and stay on the phone with me if you can," he replied hurriedly.

"I hear footsteps, so don't speak," I quietly said and shoved the phone under my butt on the chair I'm tied to.

The door opens, and Emma walks in, holding a plate in her hand.

"Since I'm a nice person, I brought you some dog food. I decide to keep you around a little longer to play with you," she states with what looks like a smile. This fucking bitch.

"Thanks for offering, but my boyfriend plays with me enough. Y'know in bed when he's doing any and everything that he wants to me," I replied with a sarcastic smile of my own. Her smile is quickly replaced with a scowl. She stalks up to me and grabbed my hair roughly, pulling my head back.

"He is not your boyfriend. He's in love with me, and you were just a substitute. The earlier I get rid of you, the faster he and I could get together," she said, her scowl still in place.

"Whatever you say, you delusional bitch," I snapped.

She took the food and smashed it on my face, leaving a nasty trail across my forehead to my chin. I spat out whatever bit got in my mouth and scowled at her. Just then, I heard sirens.

The door got knocked down, and 3 cops entered with their guns angled at her.

"Step away from her and hands in the air," cop #1 said.

"Wh-what? How dare you enter my house like this? I'm going to get you arrested," Emma- the illiterate, stuttered.

"Hands where I can see them, miss," the cop enunciated.

She held her hands up, and cop #2 went and cuffed her wrist, dragging her away.

"She was asking for it! I will get out, and fucking kill you for this!" She said to the cops and the latter to me.

Just then, Regie rushed in, freed me from the chair, and pulled me into his body, hugging me tightly.

"Uhh- babe, I got dog food all on you," I murmured, my hands around his waist, holding him close.

"I don't care. Are you hurt? Do we need to go to the hospital?" he asked, relating me while surveying my body for any injuries.

"No, I'm fine. I just need a shower. Or 10," I said, frowning.

"Oh, yeah, you do kinda stink," he joked, scrunching his nose.

"Fuck you."

"Only after you shower. I love you, babe, but there's only so much I can take," he said, laughing.

Just then, cop #1 returned to the basement.

"Miss, I need to take your statement," he said with a firm but gentle voice.

I gave my statement and headed to NSB house with Regie because the guys were worried and wanted to see me.

After all the guys were sure I am fine, I took a long shower and changed into some leggings and one of Regie's shirts.

Regie and I chilled for a bit, just messing around before he drove me home.

"You coming in?" I asked, shooting him a flirtatious look, letting him know my intentions.

"Fuck yeah." 


A/N: Ahhhhhhh! New chapter! What do you guys think about it?

Are we ready for some serious smut that's bound to follow?

Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

Also, I know I don't reply to comments as much as before and it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I get at least a hundred other notifications in a day with all the books that are in my reading lists, making it hard to find your guys comments. I do, however, reply to what I see. 

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