18- Date #3

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"Reginald, u didn't tell me where we're going. What am I gonna wear???" I shot a quick text to Regie. I'm currently getting ready for our date and I am freaking out, to say the least.

"Go for casual n comfy n u'll regret ur decision if u wear heels," he replied almost immediately. 

Outfit for the date:

Regie's outfit (Ignore Oli at the back but at the same time don't

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Regie's outfit (Ignore Oli at the back but at the same time don't. He looks so good):

I finished getting ready and waited for Regie to pick me up

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I finished getting ready and waited for Regie to pick me up. At directly 10 am, the doorbell rang. I said goodbye to my family and went to open the door.

"Good morning. You look gorgeous," Regie said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Morning, and thank you. You look great," I replied.

We walked to his car, and he opened my door before going over to the driver's side.

"Okay, where are we going? Where are we going?" I questioned like a little child wiggling in my seat.

"You'll see when we get there," he responded.

"Reginaldddd, I want to know nowww," I stated, pouting.

"No," he declared, glancing at me for a quick second before moving his eyes back to the road.

I pouted and looked at him with puppy eyes but he just ignored me.


He glanced at me before placing his right hand on my leg, keeping the other on the wheel.

Baby. (′ꈍωꈍ‵)

We made small talk on the way there, and a little while later, he told me that we arrived.

"Oh my god! We're going Zipling?" I questioned, excited.

"Yeah, let's go," He replied before hopping out and rounding the car to open my door, but he was too late.

"No, close that door right now. I'll open it," I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

"Milady," he said in a British accent as he opened the door. I laughed at his antics before hopping out. He held my hand as we walked towards Skull Canyon Zipline. We both went ziplining, and a while later, we were both getting ready to leave.

"Where next?" I questioned.

"Brandon's Diner. We need food before you get way too hungry and eat my head off."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, a little offended.

"Am I wrong?"

"No," I mumbled quietly and bent my head. He shot me a quick smirk, and we drove in comfortable silence.

He pulled up to the Diner, and luckily it was not crowded. We both got our food and ate, mostly stealing from each other after we finished, he informed me there's still one more place.

He drove us to Riverside Game Lab, which we used to go to all the time before we moved.

"Oh my god, Reg. We haven't been here in forever," I said, looking at him with a smile.

"I know."

He rounded the car and opened my door before heading in. We played a ton of games and shared a few pecks here and there, and before we knew it, it was already 9 pm. He obviously cheated, which explained why he won. We decided to get some dinner before calling it a night. I was in the mood for In-n-out burgers, so we went to the drive-thru and got some stuff there. We decided to head back to my house to eat there.

"Guys, I'm home. I'll be in my room with Regie," I yelled when I opened the door. I heard an "okay" from my mom before Reg and I headed to my room. We sat on the floor and took out our food. We bantered and joked while we ate. When we finished, we tossed everything in the trash before washing our hands and flopping down on my bed.

"I wanna be the little spoon," Reg said in his adorable baby voice. I chuckled and spooned him being the big spoon.

"Did you have fun today?" he asked

"Mhmm, a lot. Did you?"

"Whenever you're around? Always," he answered

"Simp," I muttered, faking a cough. He dramatically coughed before turning around and attacking me with tickles.

"No, No, Regie. Stop," I wheezed out between laughs. He eventually stopped, and somehow I ended up under him with him supporting his weight on his hands. He looked at me in amusement while I tried to catch my breath.

When we finally registered the position we're in, I locked eyes with him. He was already looking at me with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.

"I love you," he murmured before leaning down and softly kissing me. He pulled away not 2 seconds after, leaving me missing his lips on mine.

"I love you, too." I stared back into his gorgeous eyes, my hand going to move the hair that fell in front of his eyes. He rolled off of me and laid next to me, pulling me into his arms, almost protectively. I felt my eyes drooping, and before I knew it, I was asleep in the comfort of his hands. 


A/N: Regie finally got to be the little spoon for a little while. The other guys better stop cuddling with him now. Totally kidding, they're way too adorable, especially when sleeping. 

Totally random: I kinda ship Ryan and Regie but at the same time, Darren and Ryan are priceless. So maybe him and Oli but have u seen Manager Ty and Oli? I can't get over them. God, I'm so indecisive. 

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