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Not an update, I'm sorry :/

Hello, my beautiful people of the nonchalant university. How are we doing today/tonight?

So, I haven't updated in a hot minute. This is just to let y'all know I haven't forgotten about this book. I am still writing it, just REALLY slowly. Unfortunately, my finals start in like 3 days so I'm stuck with studying, which is code for staring at a wall instead of doing actual studying. But the second I'm done with this shit I'll hopefully be posting regularly.

In the meantime, let's continue our Q&A from a while back, more like 21 questions now. I just love getting to know more about yall and chatting with u guys.

And I will be answering the questions too cause why not?

1) When is ur birthday? Let's see if we can find our birthday twins. 

(Mine is September 10th).

2) Have yall ever met anyone famous and who?

 (I've met quite a few musicians from the Caribbean and I'm friends with a few of em.)

3) Do you like rollercoasters?

(Heck yeah!)

4) what's ur favorite type of junk food?

(Anything chocolatey)

5) What is your favorite drink?

(Mine is either coffee or wine/champagne, depends on my mood)

6) Pick one, cheat or be cheated on?

(I'd rather be cheated on cause I don't possess the ability to cheat on someone plus I really don't wanna hurt their feelings if they're genuinely into me.)

7) Are you a shopaholic?

(Sometimes, it depends on my mood.)

8) How many Instagram followers and pictures do you have posted?

(I have 2k+ followers (idk the direct amount cause I rarely ever use the app) and Idk how many pictures I have posted probably 20-something or somewhere in the teens.)

9) Would you date your best friend?

(I mean, I'm not saying I wouldn't not date him but at the same time if we ever broke up our friendship could end, so, it's debatable.)

10) What other languages do you speak?


11) Pizza or burger?


12)  What would your superpower be?

(It's either teleportation or being able to bring fictional characters to life. Grey Kingston, you're finally gonna be a real person, baby.)

13) Favorite TV show(s)?

(That's a tough one. It's probably TVD or Teen Wolf or Shadowhunters or Friends. Nope, it's all of them.)

14) Who's ur fav fictional character of all time?

(Mine is either Damon Salvatore or Katherine Pierce. Klaus Mikaelson isn't too bad either.)

15) Who do you think is the funniest celebrity?

(Idk, maybe Kevin Hart or Pete Davidson.)

16) What's the funniest search you've done on Google so far?

("How to get reincarnated to a pillow" it was after seeing that tik tok Darren posted of Regie and Ryan sleeping. Regie turned into the pillow at the same time and I was certain that shit would be giving birth in 9 months.)

17) If the fate of the world relies on you getting back together with one of your exes and staying with them forever, which one would it be?

(Hahahahahaha, this is a good one. Good luck world, I ain't getting back together with any of those assholes.)

18) Pretend you were breaking up with someone using only positive words, how would you do it?

(It's not me, it's u. Oops, looks like I misunderstood the assignment.)

19) Are yall currently crushing on anyone and who is it?

(Besides fictional characters, I have a small thing for my guy best friend. Nothing major, I just think he's cute.)

20) A famous movie you have given more than one chance but still hate?

(The Notebook. No offense to anyone that likes this book but I just don't see the hype. It's a little overrated.)

21) How's ur day/night going so far?

(My night has been pretty boring. I've been staring at my walls for way too long.)

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