06- Night (smut warning)

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*Smut warning*

This chapter is nothing but smut, so feel free to skip it if you are uncomfortable reading it.

As soon as we got to the front of the building, my apartment is located and parked. Regie grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the car. We headed straight for the elevator and, the second the door closed, he pushed me against the wall. He gripped my waist and smashed his lips to mine. My arms circled his neck, drawing him closer to me. We passionately made out until the elevator came to a stop on my floor.

Regie pulled away and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my apartment door. The second I got the door opened, his lips were back on mine. We made it through the door and, he kicked it shut.

His hands landed at the back of my thigh and, he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands once again go to circle his neck. One of his hands landed on my butt and the other on the bottom of my thigh, keeping me up.

My back hit a wall and, I let out a low moan as he pressed himself closer to me. I felt his hard cock grinding into me through my soaked panties. I've never hated clothes the way I did at that moment.

Regie's lips left mine and started trailing kisses from my jaw to my neck. My hands moved to his hair and, I lightly pulled it, earning a low sexy groan from him as one of his hands left my ass, moving to cup my breast through the dress.

My hands started working the buttons of his shirt opening them, as I got to the final button I pulled away and stood up, bringing his lips back to mine while I pushed his shirt off of his shoulder, letting it fall to the floor. His hands worked the zipper at the back of my dress, dragging it down. His hands came up to the straps of my dress and, he slid them off of my shoulders, letting my dress fall to the floor, leaving me in nothing but my black lace thong and heels.

He pulled away from me and, his eyes moved over my body with an even hotter gaze than earlier. The lust is evident on his face as if the boner wasn't already proving as much. He came closer once again, connecting our lips as his right hand slipped down, moving my panties to the side.

His middle finger finds its way to my clit, rubbing circles. His lips travel to my ear, then my jaw as he slips a finger into me, pumping it, emitting a few moans from me. He then slipped a second finger then, a third into my pussy, pumping it as his lips traveled from my neck to my naked tits taking one in his mouth, his thumb rubbing my clit.

By now, I'm a moaning mess. I can already feel the pressure building up in my stomach. I cum with a moan as he moves to my other tit and bites down on my nipple while his fingers work wonders in my pussy. He pulls his fingers out of me then placed them in his mouth, groaning the second he tasted me. Fuck, that's hot.

He gives me a minute to get my head back to Earth then my hands start working on his belt, successfully getting it off. I next popped the button of his jeans then pulled his zipper down. I pulled his jeans and boxers down at once. His dick stands at attention, ready for me. He stepped out of his jeans as I got down on my knees, desperate to get a taste of him.

I let my tongue taste the precum that came out, moaning at the taste. My tongue then runs a path from the base to the top, swirling around the tip. He grabs my hair and wraps it around his wrist giving him a clear view of my face. My lips close around his head then, move to take more of him in my mouth, earning that groan that I love so much.

I bobbed my head a few times then, pulled away going to take his right ball into my mouth. He pulled my head away then guided it back to his cock. I sucked and bobbed my head a few times before taking him all the way to the back of my throat.

"Fuck" he growled, his hands pulling against my hair harder, receiving a moan from me. He brought me back to my feet. He slipped my thong off, then picked me up by the back of my thigh, slamming me against the wall once again.

He grabbed his cock with one hand placing it at my entrance. He pushed the head in, causing me to moan at the feel of him. Slowly he inched the rest of him into me. He stilled when he was all the way in. letting me get used to him.

Moments later, he started moving. We started off slowly then, he picked up the pace fucking me relentlessly. I moved my hands around his shoulders to have some sort of balance and, he buried his head into my neck. My moans and his heavy breathing filled the apartment. He moved one hand to my clit, rubbing it roughly, causing me to cum again.

He securely kept me up as he walked over to the couch standing behind it. He pulled out of me and placed me to my feet. He then turned me around, pushing my head forward so that I'm leaning over the back of the couch.

He ramed himself back into me, pounding relentlessly. He gripped my hair pulling it.

"Fucking look at me," he growled.

I turned my head, looking at him over my shoulder as he kept fucking me into oblivion.

"Were you trying to make me jealous dancing with that guy like that? Cause it fucking worked," he growled, making me satisfied my plan worked. His hand came down on my left ass cheek, causing me to moan even louder at the pleasured sting.

"Yes! Regie," I moaned as he hit a spot inside me I didn't know existed. He kept pounding into me.

I came with a scream, all while Regie kept fucking me, chasing his own release. A few pumps later, he cums in me. His upper body falls on my back as he tries to catch his breath.

He lifts himself up and pulls out of me. My legs are jelly, so I just stay hanging over the couch. Regie lifts me bridal style and takes me to the kitchen, where he grabs a few tissues to clean us both up.

He then picks me up again in bridal style and carries me to my room. He gently placed me on the bed then, walks out of the room. A disappointed sigh leaves my lips, thinking he left me and went home.

Moments later, he walked in with his boxer on and his shirt in his hand. He gently puts his shirt around me, sliding my hands in the sleeves. He climbed into the bed next to me, pulling the duvet over our bodies. I moved, so my head was resting in his chest as his hands came to wrap around me.

"Good night y/n," he said softly, placing a kiss at the top of my head.

"Night Reg," I sleepily murmured, already drifting off to sleep satisfied.

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