chapter seven ➸ the bridge where it all started

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The girls sat in silence for a while longer, Camila taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself down before they went back inside. Ally was the first to speak up after their food got to the table.

"So tell me about your life, Lauren, what do you do for fun?" she asked with a warm smile, and Lauren had to genuinely think about the question for a moment. She was sure 'get drunk and leave a certain someone voicemails until I fall asleep' wouldn't be an acceptable answer.

"I'm a pretty boring person, really. I paint and stuff, or go to the gym, or read. That's about it," she shrugged, feeling somewhat embarrassed that she wasn't exactly an expert at anything.

"God, you and Mila both. I don't get what you guys see in books. They're so boring," Ally laughed, taking a bite of her food.

"They're an escape," Lauren and Camila both spoke up at the same time, repeating something their third grade teacher had told them when a boy had picked on Camila for reading her book instead of playing at recess. Lauren saw Ally shoot Camila an unidentifiable look, and Camila raised a threatening eyebrow at her.

"So is there anyone special in your life?" Ally questioned, ignoring the warning glance from Camila.

"I have a boyfriend, yeah. Keith," Lauren shrugged, not really in the mood for talking about him.

"Do you love him?"

Camila kicked Ally under the table, but Ally trapped Camila's foot between her legs and stopped her from doing it again.

"Yeah, sure, I guess," Lauren said, twirling a noodle around her fork. She looked up just in time to see Ally giving Camila a sympathetic look, but quickly looked back down before she got caught.

"Go Spiderman!" Rowan cried, breaking the silence and flinging a noodle across the room, which landed on the next table over. This earned them a few judgmental glances from the occupants of the table. Lauren and Ally burst into laughter while Camila scolded her daughter, apologizing to the family at the next table.


Dinner was over rather quickly, with all three girls rushing to finish before Rowan pulled another 'Spiderman' and got them kicked out of the restaurant. Lauren insisted on paying, arguing with Camila that she should be able to make up for the years they missed. As per usual, Camila gave in.

Now the girls stood in the parking lot, Rowan tugging on Lauren's hand to try and show her the shiny rock she had found on the sidewalk. Lauren laughed and agreed, following the small child and showing interest.

"I'm taking Rowan with me," Ally stated, shooting Camila a look once Lauren was out of hearing distance.

Camila's head shot up and she furrowed her eyebrows, confused at Ally's comment.


"I'm watching Rowan for the next couple hours."

"I never asked you to...?"

"I know," Ally shrugged. Camila noticed she was nodding her head over at Lauren, smirking in Camila's direction. Camila got the hint.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am, Mila."


"I'm not arguing with you."


"You died, Mila. That girl thought you were dead. She hasn't seen you in years. You know she's dying to be able to talk to you without having to censor herself around Rowan. You owe this to her."

reasons to go, reasons to stay ➸ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now