chapter seventeen ➸ it's whatever you want it to be

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"Road trip!" Rowan squealed from her carseat, kicking her legs excitedly. Lauren laughed from the front seat, making a funny face at the small child in the rear view mirror.

It was only a few hours later, and Lauren and Rowan were now embarking on the long drive back to Camila's apartment to pack up her belongings for the moving truck, and take what they needed for a few days. Rowan and Lauren would be staying at a hotel next to the hospital until Camila was discharged. They were being tailed by police cars to ensure their safety. The thought made Lauren a little uneasy, but she tried to keep it to herself.

Rowan was asleep as soon as they pulled out of the hospital parking lot.


Lauren thanked the movers, watching as they took the last few boxes out of the apartment. Her eyes scanned the now-empty home, an uneasy feeling in her stomach. It seemed so... lifeless.

"I'm awaaaake!" Rowan sung from her spot on the floor, where she had fallen asleep while Lauren was helping carry boxes.

"I see that, kiddo," Lauren laughed, walking over and sitting down next to Rowan, who eagerly crawled in her lap.

"Are you gonna leave again?" Rowan asked innocently, her large gray-blue eyes staring up into Lauren's.

Lauren hated questions like that. But she couldn't lie to Rowan. She didn't know what the next few days held. And whether her and Camila had a chance together was ultimately out of her control right now.

"I'll try my best not to, okay?"

Rowan nodded. "Please don't leave. I don't like when mommy is sad."

Lauren's heart dropped and she nodded softly. This was similar to the conversation her and Camila had when Lauren had turned to leave on the first day they'd seen each other in years.

"I'll do everything I can to take care of you guys, I promise."

Rowan didn't hesitate to lock their pinkies together.


After the long car ride back to the hotel, Rowan and Lauren had both fallen asleep on the queen sized bed, with Rowan practically sleeping on top of Lauren. Both girls were awoken by a knock at the door.

Rowan hopped off of the bed, full of energy even though she just woke up. Lauren groaned, trudging behind her. The door swung open and Rowan waved at Ally, who held a bag of takeout in one hand.

"She's all yours," Lauren laughed, nodding to Rowan who was already begging Ally for a fortune cookie. Lauren parted ways with the other two girls, borrowing Ally's keys and leaving the apartment. Two stops along the way and a short drive later, she was parked in front of the hospital.

"Who are those for?" Camila asked, confused at why Lauren was holding a bouquet of daisies.

Lauren raised an eyebrow at Camila, placing the flowers on her nightstand, plucking one of out the bouquet and holding it out for Camila to smell. "You."

Camila blushed. "Oh." She took the flower, holding it to her nose and giggling. "Thank you."

"I brought food, too. In case you're hungry," Lauren said, tossing a bag of chips to Camila who eagerly opened them. Both girls laughed, already knowing the answer to that question.

"Oh, and one more thing. Rowan asked me to give you this," Lauren remembered, reaching in her pocket and handing Camila a folded up piece of paper. Camila smiled, unfolding the piece of paper.

"Rowan must think you have giant boobs."

"What?" Lauren laughed, leaning over Camila's shoulder to see the picture. She giggled and shook her head. "Well at least you get to be way taller than I am," Lauren smirked.

reasons to go, reasons to stay ➸ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now