chapter fifteen ➸ you could be gone again

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"Don't go falling asleep now, we're almost there," the woman chuckled from the driver's seat. Lauren looked up groggily, realizing she'd left a foggy mark on the glass from where she'd been leaning against it.

"How much longer?" she asked quietly, keeping her eyes fixed on the road in front of them.

"Twenty minutes or so. Think you can handle that?"

Lauren nodded, biting her lip.

"Camila's going to be okay, Lauren."

She nodded softly, giving the woman a sad smile. She should call Ally to make sure Rowan's okay. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she turned to ask for permission, but the woman in the seat nodded before she could ask, telling her it was okay.

Ally picked up right away.

"I heard the ambulance, I've been trying to call for an hour! Is she okay?" the girl's panicked voice rang over the line.

"Yeah, yeah. Th-they're taking her to a hospital in North Carolina. I'm on my way there now. You've got Rowan?"

"Oh thank god, Lauren. I was so worried that he h-"

"Please don't say it," Lauren half-whispered.

There was a pause. "Right, sorry," Ally apologized. "I have Rowan. She's good... pretty shaken up. I'm just glad she didn't see anything happen. Do you wanna talk to her? She won't go to bed until she knows where her mommy is. I didn't want to lie to her."

"Y-yeah... yeah. Put her on," Lauren swallowed softly.

There was muffled talking on the other end of the phone before Rowan answered.


Lauren's heart broke at the concern in the small child's voice. This was all her fault.

"No, Ro. I'm sorry. It's me, Lauren," she said, trying to keep her tone light.

"Kangaroo?" her voice perked up.

Lauren laughed softly. "Yeah, kangaroo." She laughed when the woman next to her looked at her questioningly.

"Do you have my mommy?"

"Not right now, I'm going to see her right now though," Lauren bit her lip.

"Is she okay?"

Lauren took a deep breath. "She's gonna be okay Ro. She's hurting a little bit right now, but she's with the doctors, and they'll fix her. They're good at that."

"With bandaids?"

Lauren giggled. "I think so," she smiled.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too, Ro. But I think tomorrow you're gonna come with Aunt Ally to see your mommy, and I can see you then, is that okay?"

"Yeah! I'll bring bandaids!"

"Perfect," Lauren giggled.

"Okay, Allyson is back from the toilet. Bye kangaroo!"

Lauren laughed, imagining Ally's reaction. "Bye, Ro."

"Hey," Ally laughed on the other line.

"Have fun on the toilet?" Lauren teased, crinkling her nose. She heard Ally laugh.

"She doesn't have a filter from her brain to her mouth. Everything she thinks, she says," Ally joked.

"I told Rowan you guys would come visit tomorrow... I don't know exactly what's going on but..."

reasons to go, reasons to stay ➸ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now