chapter eight ➸ it's not technically eavesdropping

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"That sounds fun, Ro," Camila smiled as she unlocked her apartment door, pushing it open and letting Rowan and Lauren pass though before locking it behind them.

The girls had just returned from picking Rowan up from Ally's, and it was clearly past the small girl's bedtime. Camila bent down to pick up her daughter.

"I'm gonna put her to bed, you can grab something to wear out of my dresser. I have hoodies and stuff in the bottom drawer," Camila said, adjusting Rowan on her hip.

Rowan reached out with her small hands and wrapped them around Lauren's neck, leaning in and kissing the dark-haired girl on the cheek.

"G'night kangaroo," she giggled before turning to kiss Camila on the cheek. "G'night mommy."

"Sweet dreams, Ro," Lauren laughed, watching as Camila turned to carry Rowan to bed.

"Wait!" the small child exclaimed, causing Camila to stop in her tracks. "You have to give each other goodnight kisses too, silly."

Camila and Lauren instantly looked at each other. Camila's face grew pale. Lauren adorned a nervous smile though, and took a few steps forward.

"G'night Ro," she said, kissing Rowan's forehead and ruffling her hair. "Goodnight, Mila," she said softer, gently kissing Camila on the cheek before disappearing into the bedroom.

"Your face is red, mommy."

Camila shook her head to bring her out of her trance, looking at her daughter in her arms.

"Your face is purple, Rowan," she teased, trying to take her mind off of things. The smaller girl giggled, wrapping her arms around Camila's neck as she was carried back into her bedroom.


Lauren pulled on Camila's gray hoodie, tossing her shirt on the floor near the door. She was about to head back out into the living room when Camila hurried back into the bedroom, nearly bumping into the taller girl.

"Careful there," Lauren laughed, squeezing Camila's shoulder.

Camila swore she was going to pass out at the sight of Lauren in her hoodie. Her Lauren in her hoodie.

Her breath got caught in her throat and she ended up coughing instead of saying what she had meant to say. She held up a finger to tell Lauren to wait before regaining her composure, clearing her throat and walking over to her dresser.

"I have to get up early tomorrow. We should get some rest," she said, pulling her shirt over her head and letting it fall to the ground.

Now it was Lauren's turn to lose her breath, and she quickly turned her eyes away from Camila.

"M'kay. Goodnight, Mila."

Camila could've sworn she saw Lauren blush, but she wasn't positive.

"Night Lo."


Camila didn't have a spare bedroom, and Lauren wasn't about to share a bedroom with her on their first night together in years. So she found herself on the couch, which wasn't as uncomfortable as she thought it would have been. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, she heard a muffled cry coming from the other room.

She must be hearing things. Lauren ignored it, turning over on the couch.

There it was again.

She sighed, pushing the blankets off of her and walking over to Camila's door, pressing her ear up against the crack and listening. All she heard was the smaller girl's rhythmic breathing, signifying she was asleep.

reasons to go, reasons to stay ➸ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now