chapter twenty eight ➸ she wasn't happy

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Camila wasn't happy.

She was miserable.

Being that close to Lauren had brought her back to the day she left the green-eyed girl on the front lawn of their house. Camila had never considered that she, herself, would have to live with that guilt for the rest of her life. She wasn't supposed to survive the car collision.

She had to say goodbye to Harry and his family about an hour ago. Luckily she was able to keep composed until after they left, and then she allowed the tears to flow freely.

Lauren was back at the bookstore the next day.

Camila and Chase were the only two people working the store that day. The small girl was wearing her signature hoodie, keeping her face invisible to the public. The bells had rung to indicate someone was entering the store, which also signaled for Camila to get away from the cash register so she wouldn't have to check anyone out. Disappearing into the back room, Camila busied herself with organizing the paper clips on one of the desks.

"I'm just on my way to pick my daughter up from school."

An airy voice was heard from near the counter and Camila nearly fainted when she realized Lauren was back again. If this was going to become a regular thing, she might as well lock herself in her bedroom and never come out again.

"Well I think you'll enjoy this book. It's one of my favorites."


Camila's eyes narrowed. Chase never read. His favorite book was anything with pictures. And she knew Chase's flirting voice when she heard it. She wouldn't allow this to happen. That was her Lauren. She deserved better than him. She deserved Camila, but that couldn't happen.

Camila's brain went into auto-pilot. Cautiously, she searched through the drawers of the desk in the back room until she found Chase's car keys. Without a second thought, she pushed the panic button and moments later a loud, blaring horn was heard from the parking lot.

"Matty! Can you finish this one for me?"

Camila shoved the keys back into the drawer just as Chase rushed into the back room. She nodded once, slipping out the door and walking over to the cash register.

She could do this.

As she approached the other girl from behind the counter, she realized Lauren had said she was picking her daughter up from school. Relief washed over her when she realized Rowan was still with Lauren. She couldn't remember where the local school was though, and she wondered how Lauren had ended up here instead.

She looked down at the book Lauren was buying and held back a smile when she realized it was another one of her personal favorites. The Catcher in the Rye.

"You're probably gonna think I'm crazy, but I finished To Kill a Mockingbird already. I just... couldn't put it down. It was so good," Lauren's voice made Camila's heart flutter and all she wanted to do was hop over the counter and wrap her into a hug.

But she couldn't.

So she settled for a curt nod.

"Have you read this one before? Someone I used to know used to read it a lot, so I figured... I don't know. I suck at picking out books."

Camila had to contain her giggle. Lauren was just as adorable. She couldn't stop herself before she pointed to the book and gave Lauren a thumbs up. She handed Lauren her receipt and bag, making sure their hands didn't touch. She wouldn't be able to control herself if that happened.

Lauren took the bag and gave the girl behind the counter a small smile. "I guess I'll let you know how I like it, then."

Camila watched as she walked away and swallowed the lump in her throat. That means Lauren would be back again.

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