chapter fourteen ➸ the bridge where it almost ended

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Lauren groaned, opening her eyes as light slowly invaded her pupils.


She needed to get to Camila.

Lifting her head, her eyes landed on her phone. Her memories were jumbled, and she had a sharp pain in her side. Her clothes reeked of alcohol.

Pressing her palms to the floor, Lauren pushed herself up, being careful not to touch any of the shards of glass from the shattered bottle. She was lucky she landed the way she did, otherwise she may be in worse condition than she already was.

Starting to feel dizzy again, she pulled herself onto her bed. She hated this feeling. She couldn't focus. Her eyes landed on a half used water bottle on her nightstand, and she quickly grabbed it. Lauren threw her head back, dumping the contents onto her face.

That woke her up.

Coughing, she threw the water bottle to the side and used her hands to wipe off her face. She could think a little clearer now, and she knew she had to warn Camila.

Her side ached when she walked, and her head was throbbing, but she ignored it as best as she could as she crossed the room, picking up her phone.

She dialed Camila's number, putting the phone on speaker and setting it down.

One ring.

Lauren stripped out of her wet clothes, throwing them aside and pulling on the first hoodie she could find, along with a pair of pants.

Two rings.

Lauren pulled the sleeve of her shirt down, wincing as she pulled the couple shards of glass out of her shoulder. She pressed a balled-up t-shirt over them to stop the bleeding, thankful they weren't deep.

Three rings.

Lauren bit her lip.

Four rings.

"Hi, it's me.... Camila, I mean... It's Camila. You can leave a message if you want, or just call me over and over until I answer. That works sometimes. Okey dokey?"

No answer.

Lauren's next instinct was to call Ally. She brought her phone to her ear and tapped her foot impatiently.

She needed to go.

Slipping on her shoes, Lauren grabbed her keys and ran as fast as she could out of the house and to her car, phone still pressed to her ear.



"Yeah? What's up?"

"C-camila... have you talked to her? Is she with you?" Lauren breathed, starting her car and speeding down the street.

"I haven't seen her since this morning, no. Why? What's up?"

"Find her."

"What's going on? I thought you guys weren't talking?"

"They k-know where she is, she didn't answer her phone and th-they....Ally, this is all m-"

"I'm leaving my apartment now, I'll drive around. Don't call the cops, okay? That won't end well with these guys, if they are who we think they are. Call me when you get here. Lauren, listen to me... Don't panic, please," Ally said, and Lauren could tell Ally was trying not to freak her out.

"Okay... okay. Go look for her, I'll call y-you."

Lauren hung up before Ally could hear a sob escape her lips. She swerved into the airport parking lot, slamming her car door shut and running as fast as she could.

reasons to go, reasons to stay ➸ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now