chapter nineteen ➸ just out of my reach

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After saying her goodbyes to Ally and Rowan, Lauren headed through security, collapsing into a chair when she reached her gate. The last few days had been exhausting, physically and mentally. She’d put all her effort in making sure Camila and Rowan were cared for, giving herself no time to recover herself, after her encounter with Keith.

She’d nearly fallen asleep when her flight was called. The people around her started to get up and she moved to follow, wincing when she stood up too fast and a sharp pain shot up her side. The bruise she’d gained after she passed out in Keith’s basement was most likely given to her when she was unconscious. He had literally kicked her while she was down. Lauren took a deep breath before walking to her gate, giving the flight attendant her ticket and boarding the plane.

The entire plane ride consisted of Lauren continually getting refills of water, wetting a napkin and using it as a cold compress on her side. It was hurting more than usual, and that was saying something. She ignored it as best as she could, her main focus was on getting back to Camila.

Once her plane landed, she slung her backpack over her shoulder and slowly made her way to the front of the airport. She was waiting for the bus when another sharp pain shot up her side and she was forced to sit on the curb.

Eventually, she pulled herself onto the bus and shortly after found herself in the hospital parking lot, walking stiffly through the front doors. She was relieved once she got in the elevator, thankful that she would now be able to see Camila.

The elevator came to a stop on the second floor and the doors dinged open. Lauren turned down the hallway excitedly, but found herself on the floor moments later, inhaling sharply and clutching her side.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” the stranger who had run into her apologized, but Lauren couldn’t focus with the pain searing though her abdomen.

“Wait… Lauren?” a familiar voice appeared from behind her, and Lauren lifted her head.

“I’ve got her, Becca,” Dinah said, ushering the other girl off before leaning down next to Lauren.

"D-dinah?” Lauren’s eyes widened, and she moved to stand up but stopped when she realized just how much pain she was in. “What… what are you doing here?”

"I’m interning with my aunt for college credits during the summer, I could say the same to you. Where the hell have you been? Can you stand?” Dinah asked, not bothering to wait for an answer, she was already grabbing a wheelchair from one of the supply closets.

“I’m visiting someone,” Lauren bit her lip as Dinah held out her hand. She held her breath as she was helped into the wheelchair, taking a deep breath once she was sitting down.

“Not now you’re not,” Dinah acted surprised. She started pushing the wheelchair down the hallway, past Camila’s room. Lauren panicked and dug her feet into the ground, nearly tipping herself over.

“Are you crazy?” Dinah asked, glaring at Lauren.

“What are you doing?” Lauren bit her lip, glancing at Camila’s door.

“Taking you to a doctor, what do you think I’m doing?”

Lauren moved to stand up but had to contain a gasp at the sensation in her side, giving up and sitting back down carefully. Dinah took this as a sign, and resumed pushing Lauren down the hallway.


Camila glanced at the door nervously, looking at her phone for nearly the hundredth time that night. Lauren should be here by now. She’d tried calling her multiple times but each time she was sent to voicemail. She called Ally, who said Lauren had left on time, and she hadn’t heard from her since.

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